The move is completely legal after the United Nations adopted a non-binding declaration for the rights of indigenous people, and the fact that the treaties have been repeatedly violated. The main reasons for this move are horrifying statistics; Lakota teen suicides are 150 percent above the norm for the United States; infant mortality is five times higher than the US average; and unemployment is rife.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Separatism for Lakota Indians and Australian Aborigines
The move is completely legal after the United Nations adopted a non-binding declaration for the rights of indigenous people, and the fact that the treaties have been repeatedly violated. The main reasons for this move are horrifying statistics; Lakota teen suicides are 150 percent above the norm for the United States; infant mortality is five times higher than the US average; and unemployment is rife.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
A Dangerous Woman
What I believe to be the most relevant to the current political foray was the 1903 anti-anarchist law in the United States which prohibited entry to anyone opposed to organised Government. This law was passed after the assassination of President McKinley in 1901 by Czologsz (an anarchist), for which Emma was accused of being involved.
In 1903 an English anarchist by the name of John Turner was to give a lecture, but was refused entry to the U.S to which Emma established a free speech league. This particularly struck me as being relevant, as we see many people today barred entry into certain countries and even jailed for speaking out about certain topics. For those who believe certain topics should be barred, I give you Emma's speech......
Free Speech means nothing if it does not mean the freedom to say what
others don't want to hear
What also fascinated me about Emma was her steadfast belief in equality between men and women, and yet refused to accept women's suffrage. Instead she was quoted as saying
In a republic there are many ways for the strong, the
cunning, and the rich to seize power and hold it!
Some of Emma's non-anarchists influences included the nihilists and Nietzsche, so it's no surprise that she wasn't particularly fond of moralising arguments.
So what are you? A dunce or a rogue?The political arena leaves one no alternative, one must either be a dunce or a rogue.
Friday, December 14, 2007
Santa is an anagram for satan
I think in Australia, if you're trying to create another cronulla, the best thing you can do, is ban Santa from the mainstream secular crowd.
For me personally, I think the whole Christmas consumerism is highly over-rated, but realistically, we're talking about banning a secular holiday. Go figure.
Then of course, there was Santa's highly controversial 'ho ho ho', which was deemed offensive to women. Again, last time I checked, there hasn't ever been a female Santa Claus, so saint nic has always been an offensive sexist bastard. Why change now? Personally, I always liked that about him, and his ability to scare the crap out of little kids.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
National or Notional Anarchists?
It's amazing that while most Anarchists, of all stripes, reject intellectual property laws as simply a construct of the state, the most extreme among us have this tendency to enforce their factions ownership of the term 'Anarchist'. Truly, it is amazing to see. Fanatical Anarchists unquestioningly support their own brand of Anarchism denounce all others as somehow 'fake'. They are in fact the largest hypocrites among us. These are the people who have a unyielding confidence in what they know is the truth, the way and the light. Anything that doesn't accept this obvious truth is deemed false and thus statist. Unfortunately for the rest of us, this kind of unreasoned fanaticism has many proponents within the Anarchist movement.
Let's consider the National Anarchists, as they seem to be the most polarizing of all the different factions. National anarchism has its origins in the UK, and is largely the brainchild of Troy Southgate, an individual with a long history of involvement in the British neo-Nazi movement, including organisations such as the National Front, the International Third Position, the English Nationalist Movement and the National Revolutionary Faction. Critic Graham D. Macklin notes that “When put into its wider context… ‘national-anarchism’ appears as one of many groupuscular responses to globalization, popular antipathy towards which Southgate sought to harness by aligning [his activities]… with the resurgence of anarchism whose heroes and slogans it arrogated, and whose sophisticated critiques of global capitalist institutions and state power it absorbed…”. In essence, ‘national anarchism’ is an attempt to use anarchist rhetoric and imagery in order to better advance the cause of reactionary, racist and fascist politics.
In the words of a famous european anarchist; Pierre Joseph Proudhon
Under anarchist doctrine, people have the freedom to form groups based along whatever issues are important to them. Further, freedom includes the freedom to hate, the freedom to offend, and the freedom of self-expression, on the basis that there is no physical harm impacted upon another.
Joseph Labadie
Leo Tolstoy
Saturday, November 17, 2007
We the people will not be chipped
The use of RFID technology has engendered considerable controversy and even product boycotts by consumer privacy advocate Caspian (Consumers Against Supermarket Privacy Invasion and Numbering) refer to RFID tags as "spychips". The two main privacy concerns regarding RFID are:
Since the owner of an item will not necessarily be aware of the presence of a RFID tag and the tag can be read at a distance without the knowledge of the individual, it becomes possible to gather sensitive data about an individual without consent.
- If a tagged item is paid for by credit card or in conjunction with use of a loyalty card, then it would be possible to indirectly deduce the identity of the purchaser by reading the globally unique ID of that item (contained in the RFID tag).
In a corporate consumer spy incident, which was uncovered by the Chicago Sun-Times, shelves in a Wal-Mart in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, were equipped with readers to track the Max Factor Lipfinity lipstick containers stacked on them. Webcam images of the shelves were viewed 750 miles (1200 km) away by Procter & Gamble researchers in Cincinnati, Ohio, who could tell when lipsticks were removed from the shelves and observe the shoppers in action.
.... and just to make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, the FDA has approved the use of the chips in humans......
In 2006, Cincinnati, two employees for the company citywatcher were forced to be micro-chipped with an RFID tag for improved security access to valuable data storage areas. The Baja Beach nightclub in Barcelona reportedly uses RFID implants to track regular patrons and allow them to pay for drinks electronically, while the Mexican Attorney-General's Office implanted 18 of its staff with tags to control access to a secure data room. Other suggested uses for the RFID chip include their inclusion into National Identity cards and replacing soldier dog tags with the implantable chip.
Although, not all tags are implanted within the body, in Japan and the U.K there is at least one active school where children are micro-chipped (on their bags or name tags) in order to track their movements in the interests of security. Ah, yes, the old propaganda technique "What about the children?", "do it for the children" and my personal favourite "But, we must protect the children".... kinda of reminds me of Labour (tweddle dee) and Liberal (tweddle dumb)'s education revolution... but alas, I will save this for another time. The United Sates is already undergoing biometric data collection of children at primary schools in the interests of finding them quickly if they are abducted or assaulted, but then, isn't it easier to introduce a National I.D card when you already have all the information, you just need to wait a generation or two.....
Getting back to the real matter at hand - Japan is looking to create an Island where everything is RFID chipped.
The nation is looking to set up an "experimental landmass" where a smorgasbord of sensors will "allow doctors to remotely monitor the health of the elderly," and in another instance, "monitor the movement of pedestrians and notify nearby drivers." Additionally, IC tags could be implanted into produce in order to divulge information such as where it was grown to a shopper's mobile phone. Reportedly, the government is talking with local telecom carriers, electronics manufacturers, automakers, and several "other companies" as it attempts to assemble the pieces, and while no specific test site has been nailed down just yet, "the northern island of Hokkaido or southern island chain of Okinawa" are currently the most likely candidates
(so much for the "size of a grain of rice" propaganda)Makes you want to join the amish really.....
But for those of you who are more fight than flight, here is a legal company in America McKenna Long & Aldridge pushing to change the laws to encourage the uptake of the RFIP chip. Bastards!
Which just goes to show, companies might be pushing for these things to happen (micro-chipping the population), but someone is actually doing the bidding of these companies, because of the pressure to conform to the organisational culture (or they have bought the propaganda hook, line and sinker). We need to bring back social shaming! The excuse that you were "Just doing your job" just doesn't cut the mustard. Stand up for your rights, stand up in your workplace when the wrong thing is happening. Don't assume it's someone else's problem. We all have a responsibility to expose the truth. If you work for a company that is pushing this agenda, expose them!
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Anti-Cap Christians? Hallelujah!
Normally I don't have a lot of time for your typical Christian, instead
I feel much like Jesus in the temple with the money changers. (lots of frothing at the mouth going on). So i was pleasantly surprised when I came across The Church of Stop Shopping. Finally some Christians who seem like they've actually read the bible. After all, didn't Jesus say "It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven". Which is why I particularly love this Reverends anti-consumerist message. Here is the article I particularly liked, and if fact, I think it's time we started to see street theatre in Australia. Enjoy.Here I am at Zombie-con last Saturday. 100 of us went on a bloody disgusting rampage of NYC. Bloomingdales was our first stop. We entered the mega store groaning and limping, arms outstretched in search of brains. Gaylen and I inserted blood capsules into our mouths at the escalators and drooled in close proximity to the stunned costumers. Some people, especially the workers, were smiling and I suddenly worried that we were entertainment, endorsing this company with our playful antics. But then I saw what was really happening around us; People had stopped shopping! The were staring at us, interacting with us, looking at the fellow living and wondering what the hell was going on. Near the makeup counter I yelled out to a group of them in my lowest, freakiest voice, “I NEED A FACIAL!” Laughter erupted from the living and the undead. I was proud. I called the Reverend to tell him of our successes in the first mall reminding him of his call to the congregation to, “Disturb the customer!” We continued on to many stores that day. The Disney store was my favorite. Screaming children and little creepy dolly eyes surrounding the rampage. One mother hid her child’s eyes as I posed for a picture with Mickey’s hand on my crotch.
To continue reading the article from The church of Stop Shopping click here
Dont forget to check out the youtube video of Reverend Bill and his followers in starbucks.
But if you want a really good belly chuckle, check out my favourite comedian George Carlin.... on materialism and consumerism... "The table is tilted folks, the game is rigged" and "nobody seems to notice, nobody seems to care", "it's called the American dream, because you have to be asleep to believe it!"
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Practical Revolutionary Economics - Part II
Undergound currency or counter economics is a non-violent means to undermine capitalism. The term was originally coined by Samuel Edward Konkin, who defined it as
The main reasons I suggested we encorporate counter economics in our daily lives was for the following;
While not a true anarchist example, I personally believe that a simple way to give back to employees is to engage them in the business through shares. Instead of privatising the company where shares are sold on the market, employees are given shares in the company. Unlike normal shares these cannot be privately sold and are retained only while the person is in employment with the company. Call them an employee bonus scheme or something, where the business profits go back into those who worked hard for the business profits in the first place.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Is it possible to be an Anarchist in an Authoritarian world?
Given the Portuguese example, we have ever more governmental decisions that are taken without the approval of the people (most recent cases being Flexi security and the European Treaty). We have a regulating governmental entity that rules over the press – something that does not seen all that democratic. In the colleges, political parties youth wings and in the opinion columns of the newspapers we witness what Joaquim Letria (2) labeled as “self censorship”, when people restrain themselves to voice publicly certain opinions that might look bad or raise a cloud of negative suspicion over its authors by their professors, editors or even some parcel of the public that might be organized as a lobby.
To continue reading the Article by Flavio Goncalves click here
A similar story at The Gerilla Capitalist.
Shun the Non Believers
Red Anarchists, as has been stated, have a tendency to shun everyone who does not subscribe to their particular brand of Anarchism. Their street level activism is highly important to the movement as a whole and should not be forgotten nor overlooked. This is their strength and the strength and a huge force for the Anarchist movement as a whole. The same applies to Anarcho-Capitalists within their own sphere of influence. Though they may not be working the streets to the extent of Red Anarchists, or other older brands of Anarchism, it is undeniable that they work hard to deal with and rebuff statists at the intellectual level on a regular basis. I would hope Red Anarchists can accept this and congratulate Anarcho-Capitalists for their work. Both sides excel at the others weakness, with the opposite being true for their strengths. This should not be forgotten.
To continue reading the Article by Royce Christian click here
Saturday, November 10, 2007
The Economics of Revolution - Part I
As anarchists, there are a few options for us.
So then, what is the best method to subvert the capitalist system?
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
The 10 commandments of Anarchy
1.Thou shall seek to destroy capitalism in all forms
3.Thou shall seek self-sufficiency
Following on from commandment 2, Anarchists should learn to make their own clothes, grow their own food, and any form of self-sufficiency. This reduces an individuals need to operate within the capitalist system. Alternatively, using trade or the barter system amongst similarly minded people. Anarchists should constantly seek to improve themselves through the development of their skill set. This includes; martial arts for self-defense, learning mechanical skills for fixing cars, plumbing or any other household repairs.
4. Thou shall Respect the sovereignty of others
Respect the soverignty of individuals and their right to choose. That means Anarchists do not use violence nor coercion against any individual for their right to express opinions no matter how different from our own as long as their actions or words are not physically harming or coercing another. What we oppose is the system and corporations who are treated as individuals but without accountability. Subverting the system DOES not literally mean SMASHING the system.
Like Christians who go out and evangelise to increase their numbers, so too should an Anarchist. Learn how to network and communicate your ideas to new people. The system will never change if we only associate with like minded people.
6.Thou shall encourage freedom of speech
Anarchists should see the abolition of censorship by the media, State, and individuals. Repression of freedom establishes fear, and disengages individuals from their political people power, which only serves to increase apathy and maintaining the status quo.
7. Thou shall NOT give away personal information to authorities
You're no good to the movement if you're caught. Check to see if police or other authoritarian is present first!
Monday, October 29, 2007
Bank staff push ethics
Thursday, October 25, 2007
News Just In - War with Iran and more Protesting
News hot off the press, War with Iran is imminent!
The fact that Western Countries are halting all economic involvement with Iran can mean only one thing, we soon will be at war with Iran. The powers that be have been planting the idea of Weapons of Mass destruction in the media over the last year or two. Now we wait for the official announcement.
Anti-Fascist Protest at Football Federation Victoria
by Michael Williams
Now all we can do is continue to fight the system. I personally believe that as much as I hate Nazis, these petty fascist groups aren't as big a problem as others. Our main concern as Anarchists should be fighting the state and the many forms of capitalism.
White Guilt Week
I fail to see how the euphemism "Aussie" relates to an Anglo-Saxon, and I have the ability to say this as a 7th generation Australian, as my ancestors arrived on the first fleet to this country. I have a direct connection to the colonization disaster for the Indigenous people. For this i feel shame as well as pride. Shame for what it has done for their people, and pride for mine. The pride part is important, important because it allows the issue of reconciliation to become a national mainstream issue.
When you approach a typical "Aussie" on the street about reconciliation, the majority of the time they will not want to talk about the issue or accept the blame for past wrongs. I have two theories as to why.
1.) Blame Game - who wants to deal with shame? Who wants to take that on? I've got enough shame over my addiction, my consumerism, my blah blah blah. Shame is negative, it brings people down, and it's not the way to make friends (something about honey flies and vinegar).
2.) The immigration issue. Immigrants claim to be as Australian as myself, a 7th generation Ango-Saxon colonial. However, because a migrant has no direct connection (as I do) to the British history or a connection to Indigenous history, they don't take on their responsibility for Aboriginal Reconciliation. (I'm stereotyping here).
There are two things that need to change for real Aboriginal Reconciliation. Firstly, migrants who accept they are Australian, should accept their personal role in the Aboriginal story. By accepting the old euphemism "Aussie" to refer to the Anglo-Saxon, they are in an indirect way dismissing Aboriginal suffering as a white issue alone. You cannot become an Australian citizen without taking on the Aboriginal story. If as a new Australian citizen you refuse to accept your role in Aboriginal suffering and that it is an anglo only issue, as time marches on, with further immigration, the Indigenous people of this country will never see justice, acceptance and convalesce.
Secondly, many Anglos are proud of Australia (their role in WWII as one example), and focusing on all the negatives, only further alienates them from the history of Aboriginal suffering. There needs to be access to both the pride and shame in the history of this country, and for all of us, 7th generation Anglo and first generation migrant to accept not only our historical role, but also our individual roles. This will only take place when we remove the "Aussie" euphemism in our vernacular as the old Ango-Saxon stereotype.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Free Speech or Hate Speech?
So when do comments turn from free speech to hate speech? When is something someone says unacceptable, and who decides what speech is and isn't acceptable?
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
New Zealand Consulate Protest
Tuesday the 16th saw a group of twenty protestors stand in solidarity against the unjust actions of the New Zealand federal police against a group of New Zealand activists. The protest was held at 11am outside the New Zealand Consulate-General in Melbourne. The protestors included left-wing activists from many different backgrounds, including myself, a more covert Anti-fascist activist. We were graced by the presence of the mainstream media and of course the State Fascists in Victoria Police and two armed Federal Police officers.
In an article by the publication “Crikey,” an Anarchist activist speaks about the raids;
“As far as I understand it, those who have been charged have been charged with possession of arms and ammunition at some point in the past - ie, they had none of it on them when they were arrested...” “The raids started in Ruatoki at 4am, at the house of well-known Tino Rangatiratanga activist Tame Iti...”,21985,22601472-23109,00.html
Thursday, October 11, 2007
What's for dinner? How about our national symbol?
A report in the Business Day section of The Age on Thursday, October 11, 2007, suggests that substituting 20% traditional beef with kangaroo meat could help cut greenhouse gas emissions by 15 tonnes per annum.
I've often suggested to people that eating our national symbols would be far better environmentally than eating traditional beef, so this Greenpeace report by Dr Mark Diesendorf comes as no surprise to me.
Firstly, why import and breed animals for food when there is a native species capable of supporting the populations food needs? Secondly, kangaroos are culled in the thousands due to their plague numbers invading farm land. What a waste! Western Australia has started exporting Kangaroo meat, but the industry should think about subsidising the current beef farming industry (in terms of food production rather than their current "delicacy status"). Kangaroos require far less water and are adapted to the harsh Australian climate. Traditional livestock damage river beds when drinking, ruin topsoil through compression with their hooves, and produce high quantities of methane gas (the average cow produces 600L methane a DAY!). Kangaroos being native have a much smaller ecological footprint.
"Australian native wildlife is a renewable resource. If managed in an ecologically sustainable manner, wildlife can provide a perpetual source of economic benefits for all Australians" In fact, Michael Archer Head of the Australian Museum, Sydney, NSW states that "farmers can get filthy stinking rich killing kangaroos".
Although there is still debate about the ability to farm kangaroos, including the amount of meat viable from an animal, and the expense due to fencing costs, it's time to start thinking outside the square. The CSIRO needs to invest more research into the viability of kangaroo farming in the interests of finding a sustainable food source in a country with severe water restrictions and a burgeoning population.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Google; Don't be evil
Googles censorship of the Internet through its biased search engine pagerank is undemocratic, but did we really expect any differently?
Until January 2006, Google's Support Centre claimed that it "does not censor results for any search term", but removed this claim after reaching its deal with China. Which just goes to show that Google uses the "don't be evil" principle as a propaganda campaign to convince the masses that they aren't an evil malevolent corporation. However, there is evidence prior to the Chinese censorship 2006, which can be found in Europe.
On October 22, 2002, a study reported that approximately 113 Internet sites had been removed from the German and French versions of Google, who were complying with local laws by not including sites containing certain material in its search results.
In Australia on September 20, 2007 at 9:58am, the Australian Government tabled new legislation where ISPs will be required to "take reasonable steps" to prevent users accessing websites or content, by expanding the URL "black list".
You will notice when "googling" in Australia, the search engine automatically registers after hitting the search button. I found that after using google without a proxy server, NO result came upon this blog, however, after going through a U.S proxy, I was able top the list for anarchy down under. Here are the images:
Image 1: "Anarchy down under" not on any search page through Australian IP address
Image 2: "Anarchy Down under" top of list using proxy through U.S IP address
The following is taken from a Google Censorship FAQ:
Is Google transparent about their censorship?Google discloses what they censor when you hit on a specific search result (they didn’t always do this, but they regularly do since 2006). However, Google Inc does not respond to questions regarding how specifically they censor, how the process of censorship is implemented, which blacklists they use , which words are censored, which specific discussions they have with governments, and so on. Additionally, making censorship more transparent helps defeat its original purpose of hiding information, so it gives less incentive to governments to try impose such censorship regulations.
And there it is. Google uses blacklists and their search engines are region specific.
Friday, September 28, 2007
The war is won with the propaganda
Psychological Warfare: The use of propaganda or other psychological means to influence or confuse the thinking, undermine the morale, of an enemy or opponent.
Mind control is referred to as coercive persuasion, effectively; restraining, impairing, or compelling through the gradual application of PSYCHOLOGICAL FORCES. I thought it relevant to discuss mind control and propaganda after discussing with a colleague of mine about the protest on Sept 26. He informed me that he disagreed with protesting the workchoice laws as he believed it to be appropriate to dismiss someone if they were not a cultural fit. At this point I reminded him that his wife, had lost 3 jobs in 6 months with no redundancy package nor any notice, the psychological impact, the stress and loss of confidence in having these things happen to her, and how these workchoices laws were the cause. This didn't seem to make any difference, he still agreed with the laws.
In one foul swoop my colleague had dismissed his wife's suffering, his concomitant suffering, and yet still wholeheartedly told me that the laws were still a good idea.
TACTIC 1. The individual is prepared for thought reform through increased suggestibility and/or "softening up,". Mind control through repetition; my favourite example is through advertising. When watching T.V, we're in a relaxed and open state, ready for subliminal messaging.
TACTIC 2. Using rewards and punishments, efforts are made to establish considerable control over a person's social environment, time, and sources of social support. See previous post on "Culture of the organisation".
TACTIC 3. Disconfirming information and nonsupporting opinions are prohibited in group communication. See previous post on "The individual or the Organisational Culture". This tactic is reinforced through non-physical punishments. Whatever you do, don't talk about politics and religion, keep it to infotainment and weather.
TACTIC 4. Frequent and intense attempts are made to cause a person to re-evaluate the most central aspects of his or her experience of self and prior conduct in negative ways. Cults do this all the time, it is the use of guilt to control and manipulate. Mothers do it best.
TACTIC 5. Intense and frequent attempts are made to undermine a person's confidence in himself and his judgment, creating a sense of powerlessness. The Government does this with their two party system, so don't bother voting for a minor party, it makes no difference. In fact, go and jump off a bridge because you have no real impact in the world because you're not a celebrity. Oh, and the only thing you should really be preoccupied with is sex, your appearance and what Britney is up to.
Still not convinced that there's a targeted campaign to control your brain? Couldn't happen to you eh? Here's a quick test: Are you satisfied with the current state of the world? No? Doing anything about it? No? Well, that's mind control in action,- APATHY! Makes you feel hopeless, there's no point in trying, so why not just live YOUR life, don't worry about anyone else, just do what's good for you.
For anyone who is game enough to go on and watch the next video, it's actually very disturbing. Some of the mind control experiments conducted on animals are rather unpleasant. You've been warned.
So, what's the point of all of these things? Don't take my word for it, from the mouth of George Bush Snr himself:
References:We have before us the opportunity to forge for ourselves and future generations a new world order. A world where the rule of law, not the law of the jungle governs the conduct of nations. When we are successful, and we will be, we have a real chance at this new world order, an order in which a credible united nations can use it's peacekeeping role to fufill the promise and vision of the
U.N's founders.
My stupid colleague