It seems that Freedom of Speech has taken another blow, this time in the land Down under.
Melbourne University has demoted one of its most outspoken academics after a complaint against him by the State Government. Dr Mees said at a public forum last year that the authors of a 2007 report on privatisation were "liars and frauds and should be in jail".
"The university strongly supports and encourages the principles of academic freedom," Professor McPhee said.
Apparently, that academic freedom only applies when you're not on the payroll.
Professor Low has been in negotiations with the State Government over funding a research project into greenhouse gas emissions from transport. Mr Betts has agreed to be a partner in the application for funding.
Didn't you know, the defense of truth is no defense for the truth!
Without telling Dr Mees, the university also launched an investigation into whether he had damaged the university's reputation. The inquiry, conducted by Michael King of Monash University's law faculty, found Dr Mees had "brought the university into disrepute by making derogatory and insulting comments" about government officers.
Dr King found it did not matter whether Dr Mees' statements were true or not. "His defence of truth should be dismissed," says Dr King's report.
He rejected Dr Mees' defence that the comments were not "insulting or derogatory", that he spoke the truth, and that it was part of his duty as an academic to "expose corruption".
Dr Mees has since quit the university, and will give his final lecture next week. He has accepted a role with RMIT's planning department.
"I don't think we're in kansas anymore Toto". What is happening to our university system when our academics can no longer speak the truth about Government corruption?
The Iron Fist of the State doesn't need to strike, it just needs to withhold capital.
Fight Corruption. EAT THE RICH!