Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Evolutionary theory is racist

I'm not one to often use the "R" bomb, as I personally think it's just a trifle over done, but, surprisingly Christians are starting to come out of the woodwork and recognize the restriction of having a different opinion from the mainstream and the intolerance towards freedom of thought.

From Ray Comfort (who brings us The Way of the Master) comes the following.

From staunch evolution believers, who hold to their faith like a religion, Charles Darwin is exalted by them into papal infallibility. He is robed in pure white as he stands high upon the balcony of time, waving his hand to the faithful. A word from his lips is the gospel truth, and his great commission to true believers is to embark on a crusade, and bring down the swift sword of intolerance upon all who don’t embrace the true faith.

Yet Darwin was nothing but a racist, a bigot of a man, who held to the belief that black people are inferior to whites. This is what he said:

"At some future period not very distant as measured by centuries, the civilized races of man will almost certainly exterminate and replace the savage races throughout the world. At the same time the anthropomorphous apes...will no doubt be exterminated. The break between man and his nearest Allies will then be wider, for it will intervene between man in a more civilized state, as we may hope, even than the Caucasian, and some ape as low as the baboon, instead of as now between the Negro or Australian and the gorilla."

The Descent of Man, "The Races of Man" 1874, p. 178. The above is only one of many racist beliefs of Mr. Darwin. His white robe is hooded and stained with bigotry, and his clan rally to his godless cause with religious zeal. Watch them give a fiery defense of Darwin’s blatant racism.

So there you have it, evolution is based upon racist ideology, but more importantly I believe it continues to support racist ideology, that Negros are somehow lesser evolved than Caucasians. I feel it's important to state that when we talk about bell curves and the studies done by the Nobel laureate Prof James Watson, I agree with the basis that on average Negros are far more athletic, but may be less academically inclined than Caucasians, and Asians being better academically inclined than Caucasians. However, on an individual basis these rules do not apply, and we have to understand these empirical observations stand only when comparing two people of different races with all other factors the same, i.e. gender, age, height, weight etc. I know this is going to open a huge can of worms, but these observations can indicate using evolutionary theory that some of the races may have evolved at different rates to others, and hence racial epithets like "monkey" rear their ugly heads. So, if you don't want to think of any race or group of humans as being lesser evolved than another, I'd suggest giving up the evolutionary spin and thinking more along the lines that humans were created separate from apes, in their own right, and in the image of a higher being, and while we may not all be exactly the same in every ability, we are all different, but still equal.

In saying no to Racism, think again about Evolution.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Faery Tales are offensive

Well it seems the ministry of truth strikes again.... only this time striking a blow for the fine arts.Apparently, the story of the three little pigs is offensive to Muslims. Yikes! Do we think so little of immigrants and Muslims in particular that they find our culture (western nations) so offensive? If so, why would they come here? For good measure builders could be insulted by the book too - but then I haven't personally met a builder I could offend. As Lleyton Hewitt would say C'mon! and as Dr Phil would say "Get real!"

A children's book based on the classic tale of the Three Little Pigs has been rejected for a UK award amid fears it could offend Muslims. Judges for the Bett Awards criticised the animated virtual book, The Three Little Cowboy Builders, saying its use of pigs as the main characters raised "cultural issues". They also believed the book could offend builders.

"Is it true that all builders are cowboys, builders get their work blown down, and builders are like pigs," the judges wrote.

"The idea of taking a traditional tale and retelling a story is fine, but it should not alienate parts of the workforce. "Judges would not recommend this product to the Muslim community in particular."Ann Curtis, whose company Shoo Fly Publishing produced the book, branded the judges' criticisms unjustified."I felt disbelief, to be honest," she told The Times newspaper.
"As a small company we have a strong ethical and moral grounding."To be told that we cynically set out to alienate minority groups is a very narrow-minded view."

from http://news.ninemsn.com.au/article.aspx?id=371505

I think the only thing offensive here is that builders in general have been called pigs. (regardless of race, gender or class). Good one! Let me try - The police are pigs.... and for cultural sensitivity we should get rid of them in case they offend muslims too. (No really, lets get rid of the police state!)

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

TV will kill you

Remember as a kid how your mum used to tell you that sitting too close to the TV would cause your eyes to turn square? Well, I'm here to tell you that too much tv can kill you (or at least the person next to you).

A male resident of Chelyabinsk, a city in Russia’s Ural region, brutally murdered a three-year-old boy, who did not let him watch TV. The enraged man stabbed the child about 30 times.

Case papers on the brutal murder of the child have already been sent to the Chelyabinsk District Court, press centre of the regional public prosecutor's office says.

The man killed the child just because the boy disturbed him when he was watching TV. The murderer inflicted 27 knife wounds on the boy’s chest and neck. At the moment of murder the accused was under the influence.

It is noteworthy that a similar murder of a child already took place in the Chelyabinsk region three months ago. The man killed the three-year-old son of his mistress. The child was crying too loudly, and the stepfather strangled him. Afterwards it was discovered that the child was a handicapped individual from birth and suffered from deafness, heart disease and infantile cerebral paralysis.

Another similar incident occurred in the Moscow region in September. A mother slaughtered her three-year-old son because he bothered her while she was resting. in Pushkino, Moscow region.

It should be noted that television often becomes an apple of discord that leads to a lethal outcome. About a month ago a woman slaughtered her husband after the latter ‘confiscated’ the remote control.

Even children sometimes do not yield to adults in this respect. A twelve-year-old boy knifed his elder brother while fighting for TV in the USA in November 2007.

In Russia’s Karelia a grandchild killed his own granny for the same reason. The teenager and the elderly lady could not come to a unanimous decision which TV program to watch. The infuriated grandchild attacked his grandmother with a knife. The woman died soon after the fight.

I suppose that one TV free night a week isn't looking so bad now after all?

from Pravda - http://english.pravda.ru/society/stories/17-01-2008/103461-television-0

Monday, January 21, 2008

The Corporate Media; the Ministry of Truth

The truth ends where censorship begins

George Orwell's book "1984", discussed the idea of a totalitarian Government, broken down into four different departments, one being the Ministry of Truth. Unlike it's namesake, the ministry was responsible for the falsification of historical events. It was the propaganda arm controlling information: news, entertainment, education, and fine arts.

Today we know the ministry of truth as the corporate media. This fact was reaffirmed for me recently, when Marcos Baghdatis, a Cypriot tennis player was hauled into the cultural sensitivity ministry of truth department over his politically based comments about Turkey and Cyprus (he believes that the Turkish should leave Cyprus to the indigenous Greeks). There was a big media furore over whether someone of his station (that is a public figure/ sportsman) should not be allowed to express his political opinions and should instead stick to sport.

Strangely though, actors are more than welcome to express their political opinions as long as it meets the criteria of the thought police, examples of which include Arnie, Angie and Mr Oh so suave Clooney. So lets not forget that anyone is allowed to mix their fame in the political arena as long as the ministry of truth has approved. Sadly, the role of the media is no longer in reporting information, but has become an enforcer of state induced propaganda and thought control.

On a separate but still related issue, I spoke with my sister in law regarding her role as a journalist. She told me how she didn't feel it was relevant to include the race of a person when discussing a crime that had been committed. I asked her about the following: 1.) What if the media is being used to catch someone and it's a description to inform the public? 2.) Like the Geraldton murder by Aborigines of a white man, doesn't it show to the general public there are still significant issues to be dealt with? Rather than pretending that there aren't strained race relations between indigenous and white fellas? If the media doesn't report it, how can it EVER get better? 3.) It's not the role of the media to determine what is and what isn't relevant. That's for the public to decide. Whether she was aware of it or not, her decision not to include certain information based on her interpretation of what is relevant is still a form of censorship no matter how good her intentions.... and we all know...

"The road to hell is paved with good intentions"

She told me a little anecdote about a piece she was doing for her radio station, and it was called "what frightened you as children", someone called up and said hare krishna's. Offensive? Or amusing? She told me it didn't make it through the PC police. What bullocks. In her efforts to appease all and be a sycophant, she has become the traitorous censor that has become the corporate media.

In keeping with tradition of free speech includes hate speech, and the freedom to offend, I found the following on the bay area national anarchist website...who surprisingly are upset by this little pearl. It's a cartoon found in the this months issue of Heeb magazine which is being sold at Barnes and Noble...

So, if it's ok for Jews to make fun of us Gentiles and have it published in a reputable book store, it's only fair that I should be able to make a joke regarding Jews and ovens...... right???

Take it away Nelly;

Paint my face in your magazines
Make it look whiter than it seems
Paint me over with your dreams
Shove away my ethnicity
Burn every notion that I may have a flame inside to fight
And say just what is on my mind Without offending your might

Cuz this life is too short to live it just for you
But when you feel so powerless what are you gonna do
So say what you want Say what you want

I saw her face outside today Weatherworn, looking all the rage
They took her passion and her gaze and made a poster
Now it's moccasins we sport
We take the culture and contort
Perhaps only to distort what we are hiding

Cuz this life is too short to live it just for you
But when you feel so powerless what are you gonna do
But say what you want Say what you want

Hey you, the one outside, are you ever gonna get in, get in
Hey you, the one that don't fit in, how ya, how ya gonna get in
Hey you, the one outside, are you ever gonna get in with your
Broken teeth, broken jaw, broken mojo

Yeah, this life is too short to live it just for you
But when you feel so powerless, what are you gonna do
Cuz this life is too short to live it just for you
But when you feel so powerless, what are you gonna do

What are you going to do? How about telling the truth?

In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth will be revolutionary - George Orwell.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Gone Fishing

Apologies all, Anarchy downunder will be back soon.....

In the meantime check out The Crux of Corporations and The CRA and Counter Economic Activity