The truth ends where censorship begins
George Orwell's book "1984", discussed the idea of a totalitarian Government, broken down into four different departments, one being the Ministry of Truth. Unlike it's namesake, the ministry was responsible for the falsification of historical events. It was the propaganda arm controlling information: news, entertainment, education, and fine arts.
Today we know the ministry of truth as the corporate media. This fact was reaffirmed for me recently, when Marcos Baghdatis, a Cypriot tennis player was hauled into the cultural sensitivity ministry of truth department over his politically based comments about Turkey and Cyprus (he believes that the Turkish should leave Cyprus to the indigenous Greeks). There was a big media furore over whether someone of his station (that is a public figure/ sportsman) should not be allowed to express his political opinions and should instead stick to sport.
Strangely though, actors are more than welcome to express their political opinions as long as it meets the criteria of the thought police, examples of which include Arnie, Angie and Mr Oh so suave Clooney. So lets not forget that anyone is allowed to mix their fame in the political arena as long as the ministry of truth has approved. Sadly, the role of the media is no longer in reporting information, but has become an enforcer of state induced propaganda and thought control.
On a separate but still related issue, I spoke with my sister in law regarding her role as a journalist. She told me how she didn't feel it was relevant to include the race of a person when discussing a crime that had been committed. I asked her about the following: 1.) What if the media is being used to catch someone and it's a description to inform the public? 2.) Like the Geraldton murder by Aborigines of a white man, doesn't it show to the general public there are still significant issues to be dealt with? Rather than pretending that there aren't strained race relations between indigenous and white fellas? If the media doesn't report it, how can it EVER get better? 3.) It's not the role of the media to determine what is and what isn't relevant. That's for the public to decide. Whether she was aware of it or not, her decision not to include certain information based on her interpretation of what is relevant is still a form of censorship no matter how good her intentions.... and we all know...
"The road to hell is paved with good intentions"
She told me a little anecdote about a piece she was doing for her radio station, and it was called "what frightened you as children", someone called up and said hare krishna's. Offensive? Or amusing? She told me it didn't make it through the PC police. What bullocks. In her efforts to appease all and be a sycophant, she has become the traitorous censor that has become the corporate media.

In keeping with tradition of free speech includes hate speech, and the freedom to offend, I found the following on the bay area national anarchist website...who surprisingly are upset by this little pearl. It's a cartoon found in the this months issue of
Heeb magazine which is being sold at Barnes and Noble...
So, if it's ok for Jews to make fun of us Gentiles and have it published in a reputable book store, it's only fair that I should be able to make a joke regarding Jews and ovens...... right???
Take it away Nelly;
Paint my face in your magazines
Make it look whiter than it seems
Paint me over with your dreams
Shove away my ethnicity
Burn every notion that I may have a flame inside to fight
And say just what is on my mind Without offending your might
Cuz this life is too short to live it just for you
But when you feel so powerless what are you gonna do
So say what you want Say what you want
I saw her face outside today Weatherworn, looking all the rage
They took her passion and her gaze and made a poster
Now it's moccasins we sport
We take the culture and contort
Perhaps only to distort what we are hiding
Cuz this life is too short to live it just for you
But when you feel so powerless what are you gonna do
But say what you want Say what you want
Hey you, the one outside, are you ever gonna get in, get in
Hey you, the one that don't fit in, how ya, how ya gonna get in
Hey you, the one outside, are you ever gonna get in with your
Broken teeth, broken jaw, broken mojo
Yeah, this life is too short to live it just for you
But when you feel so powerless, what are you gonna do
Cuz this life is too short to live it just for you
But when you feel so powerless, what are you gonna do
What are you going to do? How about telling the truth?
In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth will be revolutionary - George Orwell.
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