Monday, September 29, 2008

To err is human, to hate divine?

Well, it seems that this anarchist has pissed off some rather unsavoury licorice all sorts.

A newly popped up blog designed presumably for no other reason than to expunge their hatred of what they consider to be an invalid form of anarchism, has the audacity to state that free speech does not include hate speech, whilst at the same time describing me as an uneducated buffoon incapable of stringing a sentence together. Hypocrisy anyone?

But then, I suppose free speech doesn't become hate speech when you disagree with the other person and believe yourself to have the moral high ground?! Right guys. I couldn't care less what you call me, but the fact is, you've offended me, and by your definition, that's hate speech and it's oppressive. So either you lot aren't anarchists, or you agree with me, and hate speech does in fact include the RIGHT to offend another human being.

Further to their accusations that I am not a true anarchist, they request any personal information about me to be sent to someone I believed to be a true Anarchist and comrade (with whom I did not necessary agree with on everything, but supported on my blog anyway), @ndy, or Slack Bastard.

You accuse me of hate speech (whichby your definition) is coercive and removes the freedom of others, and yet at the same time, you request my personal information so that you may take away my privacy. Something, which I believe is totally unethical and un-anarchist in nature. A behaviour, which I would expect the State to engage in, not fellow political activists.

Perhaps that is my punishment for such thought crimes and thinking outside the square?

As for the rumours of my location - sure, I'm in Melbourne, I've been to protests in Melbourne, which have been documented on my blog. I haven't been to a climate change one, and had I, you can be sure I would have posted pics and a report accordingly. Shit happens, and I haven't kept up my blog for yonks. I haven't done any political activism, or even been posting regularly on the blog. Work's been HELL!

Am I at La Trobe? I sure was. I even ran in the elections, and I've even had some stuff published from the blog in the La Trobe magazine. The great thing about La Trobe (not just that it's an activist hub in Melbourne), but it's also got free internet access. If you're an anarchist, or just on the cheap, the library offers free internet, and no need for a student login. So head on over, I'm a cheap skate, they're open till 10pm on weeknights!

As for me being called a woman... well, I've been called worse :-)

So please, slander me with your hate speech all you want, but don't turn around and hypocritically tell a Neo Nazi that they are bigoted, hate filled people. At least a Nazi admits what they are.


Anonymous said...

It's beyond funny when a couple white guys claiming there should be no laws about anything turn around and say they have the moral authority to decide what is right for everybody else. I'm really LMAO at that. Let alone anarchists who use the hammer and sickle of communism, who are they trying to kid? If the Communists ever get into power the anarchists will be the first one against the wall.


Alex said...

Cheers Christina, it really put me in a tail spin to read a blog BY anarchists stating one thing, and then advocating another.

While I don't really have a problem if someone wants to call themsleves an anarcho-communist, or national-anarchist, or green anarchist and so on and so forth, I just want to be left alone to do my own thing.

It's when people who purport to be anarchists behave in a fashion that is categorically un-anarchist, it makes one start to wonder.

From this anarchists perspective, the anarcho-communists in Australia and website FDB are everything that they accuse the National/Notional Anarchists of being.

Funny that!

Anonymous said...

Interesting. They want personal details and photographs from people who spy on others. They sound like the Gestapo, or at least collaborators, to me.

Anarchist Against the Wall said...

anonymous: "Let alone anarchists who use the hammer and sickle of communism, who are they trying to kid? If the Communists ever get into power the anarchists will be the first one against the wall."

-If you understood anything about communism, you'd be aware that its purely a form of economic management, not a vanguard party setting up a dictatorship of the proletariat: Each according to ability, each according to need. Where materials, resources and the means of production are held in common with all. If by communism your reffering to post 1920's Russia up until the early 90's and the current situation in China then thats hardly communism. Its refered to as state capitalism: Do your research, and next time dont make yourself out to be historically inept.

Alex: "A newly popped up blog designed presumably for no other reason than to expunge their hatred of what they consider to be the only valid form of anarchism, has the audacity to state that free speech does not include hate speech, whilst at the same time describing me as an uneducated buffoon incapable of stringing a sentence together."

-This statement is contradictory and makes no sense. Try re-reading it then you'll see how stupid it is.

"the fact is, you've offended me, and by your definition, that's hate speech and it's oppressive. So either you lot aren't anarchists, or you agree with me, and hate speech does in fact include the RIGHT to offend another human being."

-Say what? Exposing a fascist isn't offensive nor is it hate speech... I thought you'd be proud of being a national "anarchist"?

"Further to their accusations that I am not a true anarchist, they request any personal information about me to be sent to someone I believed to be a true Anarchist and comrade (with whom I did not necessary agree with on everything, but supported on my blog anyway), @ndy, or Slack Bastard."

-Thats because your aligned with the New Right and they are fascists. Incase you didn't realise, genuine anarchists have a problem with fascists appropriating anarchist ideology and symbology for their own ends. Also, you have never met @ndy... so how can you consider him a comrade? makes as much sense as having a sexual partner over the internet.

"You accuse me of hate speech which is coercive and removes the freedom of others, and yet at the same time, you request my personal information so that you may take away my privacy. Something, which I believe is totally unethical and un-anarchist in nature. A behaviour, which I would expect the State to engage in, not fellow political activists."

-Your not an anarchist; you're aligned to a fascist group intent on subverting genuine anarchism to further the goals of the far right. Its certainly not un-anarchist to know your enemy, especially if their fascists. Have you never heard of AntiFa before?

"Perhaps that is my punishment for such thought crimes and thinking outside the square?"

-Punishment? Telling it how it is is hardly punishment... your only punishing yourself for subcribing to an idiotic ideology.

"As for me being called a woman... well, I've been called worse "

-Sounds like sexism to me... whether your male, female or transgender is immaterial to the fact you write utter bullshit on this blog.

"So please, slander me with your hate speech all you want, but don't turn around and hypocritically tell a Neo Nazi that they are racist and hate filled people. At least a Nazi admits what they are."

-Everything relating to you that I reproduced on my blog was taken directly from your blog. The only infomation that wasn't was with regards to your sex, location and university which wasn't that hard to figure out anyway. If your offended by your "national anarchist" status, then distance yourself from them, and I'll remove you from my blog. You failed to rebut anything that was written with regards to National anarchism, so my explanation of National anarchism must have been pretty accurate don't you think?

Honestly,people are laughing at the national anarchism; you claim your against internationalism, yet you have links to internationalist groups such as Class War, and write nonsense like the "ten commandments of Anarchy!" If you don't want to be seen as a fool, don't act like one

Alex said...

To Anarchist against the wall:

Yes, a grammar check is always useful. Thank you.

If you have really read my blog and checked my links, you would also see that I subscribe to CHRISTIAN anarchism! Hence, my support for segregated communities along religious lines should they so choose it.

As for exposing fascists - does that include yourself? Your attitudes of ideological supremacy are not anarchistic in nature.

Luke chapter 6, verse 44. "Each tree is known by it's fruit".

Your fruit is not anarchist, it does not allow for freedom of association, nor does it allow for freedom of belief system.

You are making DEMANDS that I dissociate (remove from my blog) links to a group you personally disagree with.

An anarchist making demands of another because they ideologically disagree?

If I do not do as you ask will you "hurt" me? Physically, emotionally, economically?

Violence IS coercive!!!
Your behaviour IS coercive.

For shame.

Anarchist Against the Wall said...

I've already seen links on your blog to Christian anarchism, which is what makes this debate even more laughable. I don't feel the need to explain in great detail how preposterous Christian anarchism is both scientifically and sociologically; despite being an admirer of Tolstoy's early works. Christianity like all other religions is built on hierarchy, coercion, obedience, and blind faith, not very fitting of anarchists.

Ideological supremacy? Fine, if you want to toy with word definitions: how is it you can you say I'm advocating ideological supremacy when you have an article entitled: The Ten Commandments of Anarchy??? That in itself is pronouncing a hierarchical command. I'm assuming when you said ideological you meant intellectual, that being an entirely different concept. Its not authoritarian to point out that something is incorrect and contradictory.

I don't think you understand the concept of freedom of association (in an anarchist sense) at all. Freedom of association by your definition would mean that the delegates at the APEC conference last year should have been able to meet in Sydney without anyone protesting against them - This is not the case. Freedom of association is the individual autonomy of particular groups such as syndicates, communities etc. being able engage with whatever anarchist federation(s) they desire. It does not mean that white supremacists can have their own community and Christians can have theirs, that’s just plain silly. They are both authoritarian and demand an authority for them to function, hence their existence in a revolutionary society would contradict the idea of Anarchism.

I was certainly not making any such "demands." I was giving you a choice. Otherwise, don't complain that you're being identified as an associate of the New Right National Anarchists. It is not only a personal dislike of the National Anarchists, its a collective dislike by anarchists groups in Australia of the appropriation of anarchist ideology and symbolism to further the causes of the far right (see my blog).

And don't be ridiculous, violence is not coercive when its committed in self-defence against a coercive force to begin with. My behaviour is fair and honest; I'm merely establishing facts and exposing this rubbish for what it is. Besides that, I'm not fond of threats over the interwebs, and I'm not that childish to declare one either.

Anonymous said...

Dear 'anarchist' against the wall

I must admit for an anarchist your views and actions are very fascist too.

Do you know what the term hypocrite means?

Anonymous said...

"State capitalism" was promoted by the Trot Tony Cliff of the SWP. I don't agree with his analysis of Russia or your interpretation of it. However, anarchists should really learn some intellectual backbone before having to rely on Communist ideologues like Tony (who did more damage to the radical Left in the UK then good).


ps- Alex, just reading this nutters insult laden arguments gives me the shivers. stay safe down under.

Anarchist Against the Wall said...

Enlighten me Christina; how are any of the views/arguments I put forward in anyway sympathetic to fascist sentiments let alone Trotskiest sentiments? and do be so kind as to point out where anything I've said could possibly be deemed as hypocritical?

"State capitalism" was promoted by the Trot Tony Cliff of the SWP. I don't agree with his analysis of Russia or your interpretation of it. However, anarchists should really learn some intellectual backbone before having to rely on Communist ideologues like Tony (who did more damage to the radical Left in the UK then good)."

-*sigh* well done copying from wikipedia to figure out what state capitalism is... you pinched that entire statement off wikipedia.
State Capitalism was implemented by Lenin and Trotsky after the bolsheviks took control of the workplaces (infact it was Lenin who coined the term state capitalism) instead of bosses controlling the work place, members of the bolshevik party had absolute control; they abolished unions and factory committees, prevented workers self management and murdered those that went on strike. That is the reality of Russian and Chinese "state capitalism", its not communism.

You both are completely oblivious to factual evidence and have no idea how to debate. You have not successfully rebutted anything I've said in any of my responses and are using the same topic dodging techniques no doubt prescribed by Welf Herfurth and the other brainchild’s of national anarchism. If your going to debate, debate properly.

Alex said...

To Anarchist Against the Wall:

Firstly, I would have been happy to debate Christian Anarchism, The New Right, their ideology, National Anarchist ideology and so on, had you approached me in a manner befitting a fellow anarchist. My email address is available on my blog, and I'm more than happy to discuss different topics, and have done with other anarchists on many occasions. I also support Anarcho-capitalists, despite the fact that I disagree completely with their economic free market agenda, being more of a left wing anarchist. I have links to my blog to anarchists and others with whom I share some similarities, but may not support in every aspect. As I stated previously, I am a Christian Anarchist, and do like the idea of a community of Christian Anarchists, which seems to me to run parallel with National Anarchy. You do not agree, and it is your right to do so.

What is my right, is not to be hounded like an animal and persecuted for my beliefs. You say that no-one should be persecuted for their race, religion or culture – except for when what – they are white and Christian? Or just white? Or just Christian? I am uncertain as to why it is ok to persecute my beliefs, while you champion the right for all to exist freely?

You suggest that in fact, you have a right to do this, because as you so aptly describe, the ends justify the means . Someone else who operates on this principle is George Dubbya with his patriotic ID act, and of course the rest of the elite.

Freedom of association? Of course APEC should have been protested, it was APEC that got me interested in anarchy in the first place when I saw the reports of black clad men. That was when I started reading up about anarchy and what it was all about. The Melbourne protest didn’t do anything for me, after seeing anarchists destroying property and so on, I just thought the mutiny guys were hooligans. Have you been to Per Bylands forum?

Seeing as you brought up white supremacists, what would you do with them? Would you force them to believe what you believe? Am I forcing you to become a Christian Anarchist, or am I allowing you to maintain your beliefs, but should you enquire as to mine, I will explain, but not coercively FORCE them onto you. I am a complete pacifist based on both Christ’s teachings, and Tolstoy’s anarchist vision.

You have on many occasions stated that my blog is complete bull shit. Now I ask you in the words of Ben Kenobi to Han Solo – “Who is the more foolish, the fool or the fool who followed?”

If my nonsensical ramblings are such crap, vote with your feet and don’t read it. That’s freedom of choice. That’s Anarchy.

Anonymous said...

I'm a 16 yr old american looking for hope... here's my first blog.

and btw i posted on that anarchist personality thing and I was a very high narcissist and high in antisocial. most everything else was moderate, and nothing below moderate.

Anonymous said...

Dear 'anarchist' against the wall.

You are a hypocrite for the fact that you mascarade as an 'anarchist' yet the way you want to harrass and shut up people you don't agree with makes your actions quite fascist.

Instead of respecting the right of people having different opinions you instead ridicule and threaten those who you do not like. Writing all these long winded comments isn't going to win any us over to your delusional style of thinking.

Have you got anything better to do in your sad, pathetic, little life than chase after those people who go against your own tired dogmatic views on what you consider the 'correct' style of anarchism?

Anarchist Against the Wall said...

First off: You're not an anarchist; any intelligent individual that skims over your blog would be able to see that. The attempt to combine something that ideologically relies on authoritarianism, hierarchy and a state; that is Nationalism, with an ideology that bitterly opposes those very constructs such as anarchism, is a contradiction in the extreme.

Anarchism is not: Fuck you I'll do whatever I want and you can't stop me. It’s the most highly organised society without government, without coercion, without borders and nations, without capitalism: in order for it to work it needs a revolutionary platform (see platform of the libertarian communists). Anarchism without adjectives cannot work: its not organised and it has no clear ideological framework.

Segregating particular groups of people as if you were segregating certain breeds of dogs will not work and will never be accepted whether you guise it as fascism or "anarchism".

I've never claimed that I sympathize with religion, quite the contrary. I vehemently oppose religion in all its forms. Their is no scientific proof that any higher being exists that could constitute as either a God or earthly creator. Blind faith in God is to deny science, rationality and the concepts of evolution. If you really believe humans magically appeared because some sky fairy commanded it and that your ancestors were descended almost entirely from one man and one woman (who coincidently grew from this mans rib) and for the rest of humanity to be forever damned because a talking snake told her to eat a forbidden fruit then good luck trying to convince the masses that’s the path to anarchism. As Bakunin famously said: "Even if there was a god, I would not bow down to him."

You're in no position to claim you're being persecuted against for being a Christian or for being Caucasian, just look at the persecution of African Americans by the Christian and *shock horror* all white Ku Klux Klan! You obviously confuse persecution with criticism and your blatantly too stupid to differentiate between the two of them.

"You suggest that in fact, you have a right to do this, because as you so aptly describe, the ends justify the means."

-Please link me to where exactly you've quoted me on this? Oh that’s right, because I haven't said it...

"I just thought the mutiny guys were hooligans. "

you wouldn't know because if you'd actually be associated with genuine anarchism or the mutiny collective you wouldn't have said something so idiotic.

"Have you been to Per Bylands forum?"

-No, enlighten me

"Seeing as you brought up white supremacists, what would you do with them? Would you force them to believe what you believe? Am I forcing you to become a Christian Anarchist, or am I allowing you to maintain your beliefs, but should you enquire as to mine, I will explain, but not coercively FORCE them onto you."

White supremacists? They are fascists; they are the enemies of social freedom. They will be fought, because they sure as hell don't like the ideas of peace, equality and freedom. If by "what will you do with them" your referring to how would they integrate into an anarchist society? Don't be so naive to think that absolutely everyone will simply accept anarchism. There will be those who don't want to contribute to society based on their egoism and and those people by their own choice can chose not too and they will most likely turn into drifters scabbing off the labour of others.

The fact that your failing to articulate your arguments might well be the reason you feel as if I’m "coercing" you. But I'm not, its not coercion to debate and criticise.

"You have on many occasions stated that my blog is complete bull shit. Now I ask you in the words of Ben Kenobi to Han Solo – “Who is the more foolish, the fool or the fool who followed?"

-What? That has no relation to anything! My blog is nothing like yours at all and I'm most certainly not following in your footsteps if that’s what you’re implying...
You really are a bizarre one, using metaphors (from star wars no less) that are completely contrary to the point.

"If my nonsensical ramblings are such crap, vote with your feet and don’t read it. That’s freedom of choice. That’s Anarchy."

- Why on earth would i want to do that? Then I wouldn't have the fun of pointing out your hypocrisy and inconsistencies

To anonymous:

"You are a hypocrite for the fact that you masquerade [sic] as an 'anarchist' yet the way you want to harass and shut up people you don't agree with makes your actions quite fascist."

-There, I fixed your horrible spelling. Ah yes, interestingly enough you use what I used to describe the National "Anarchists." You have a habit of not formulating your own arguments in your own words don't you? Harassing and debating are two different things, seeing as your both struggling to make sense of anything I've written it or argue intellectually against; it would appear that you're either too stupid to come back logically or my arguments are just that good. Again, I'm not censoring any of you from commenting on my blog so how is anything I'm doing fascist?

"Instead of respecting the right of people having different opinions you instead ridicule and threaten those who you do not like. Writing all these long winded comments isn't going to win any us over to your delusional style of thinking."

-Rights are something handed out by governments to exclusive people. If exposing the truth is making an individual out to be an idiotic I can't surely be held accountable for their actions/claims. Again, point out where exactly in either my comments or my blog I've threatened the writer of this blog? Long comments? That’s only because you have so many inconsistencies and hypocrisies in your arguments. If you weren’t so bad at debating I'd have shorter answers. And indicate to me please what is delusional about my style of thinking: Platformism? Communist Anarchism? Rationalism?!

"Have you got anything better to do in your sad, pathetic, little life than chase after those people who go against your own tired dogmatic views on what you consider the 'correct' style of anarchism?"

-An orange is an orange and an apple is an apple. You cannot claim an orange is an apple when its fundamentally an orange. The same concept applies with genuine Anarchism as opposed to National anarchism (which I've stated a million times before is fascism guised as anarchism). Anarchist-Communism has worked and will continue to work in the future, National-Anarchism will not work and there is no historical evidence to suggest it ever will. You national anarchists have a tendency to repeat the same boring classically bullshit responses such as: your dogmatic, your a fascist, your a leftist! Come up with something new, your no different to the Socialist Alternative group shouting no racism no war at every single demonstration even when reason for the demonstration is irrelevant to the chants being made. Actually, I'm heavily involved in the genuine Australian anarchist movement here in Australia and have been for quite some time. Our history (dating back to 1886), have accomplished much for the working class in Australia which is more that can be said for you fascist provocateurs.

Anonymous said...

LOL. Let me ask oh alex, how would you enforce the boundaries of your christian anarchist commune? Would you have property rights? (I assume no, that would make you an anarcho capitalist/libertarian like me.)

Otherwise, I assume you support some system of heirarchical government to define the borders between your dark ages-eque religous communes?

Wouldn't that make you not an anarchist? Seriously. I just want to know how an anarchist enforces segregationist policies? Seems a little wacko and inconsistent to me.


OH... btw your 10 commandments of anarchism are cowardly and pathetic. Im xavier taylor, I attend monash uni, and Im an anarcho capitalist. Oh noes!! the government are gonna arrest me!!!

Anonymous said...

Dearest 'anarchist' against the wall,

I can't believe you are still posting such long-winded comments?! Haven't you got anything better to do with your life? Do you have a job? Or is your full time job an 'anarchist' who also likes to correct spelling mistakes? I didn't think a 'anarchist' would make such a big deal about spelling. Such pathetic nit-picking isn't worth the time and effort.

Why would I bother commenting on your blog? I respect your right to have freedom of speech and yet you don't respect Alex having his? That is the most hypocritical thing about you and gives a clear example of why you ARE really a fascist in your actions.

Plus you seem to seem to have a chip on your shoulder and have to show the 'entire world' that you are right. Who cares?

If you want to debate people why not start with Troy Southgate? He was one of the main guys the created the ideology of National Anarchism.

Besides, all of this 'talk' on a blog that you are doing doesn't prove anything in the long run. Actions speak louder than words and I'm sure it irks you that the National Anarchists and other rival groups are doing activism and you can't do anything about it. Arguing or debating with us is not going to win us over to your tired, old and delusional way of thinking neither will it stop us from doing any activism.

What the saddest thing of all is that you have cowardly Lefty-pinkos like yourself who have to whinge and cry to the state authorities to make the 'evil nazis' go away. You can't even fight your own battles!

Most of you can't punch your way out of a wet paper bag either, by the way!

Worry about your own blog and don't bother wasting people's time. And take your analogies of oranges and apples with you too this isn't a bloody fruit store!

Anonymous said...

Xavier you are silly little boy who needs to stop procrastinating and finish his University assignments!

You don't wanna end up a jobless dole-bludger like 'anarchist'(fascist) against the wall.

Do something constructive with your life and stay away from drugs.

Peace out!

Alex said...

Skelton, Thanks for your comments. I hadn't forgotten them. I had intended to get back to you and others on the weekend when I've got some more time to spend looking at your comments and questions and answering them properly as well as updating the blog with some news items. Keeping up with this blog has been difficult lately, sorry.

Anarchist Against the Wall said...

To anonymous/Christina
"I can't believe you are still posting such long-winded comments?! Haven't you got anything better to do with your life? Do you have a job? Or is your full time job an 'anarchist' who also likes to correct spelling mistakes? I didn't think a 'anarchist' would make such a big deal about spelling. Such pathetic nit-picking isn't worth the time and effort."

Actually, I work 3 days a week whilst committing to full time study. I don't feel the need to divulge into the anarchist activities I partake in every week as well so I'll leave that up to your imagination. Lets just say it involves a lot of hard work. And for the record, if you want people to take you seriously rather than treat you like some pre-schooler that can't spell then I suggest learning to spell correctly, or at least use spellchecker if your that disadvantaged.

"Why would I bother commenting on your blog? I respect your right to have freedom of speech and yet you don't respect Alex having his? That is the most hypocritical thing about you and gives a clear example of why you ARE really a fascist in your actions."

-As stated earlier, anarchists will not tolerate speech that is coercive. I've said this already a dozen times before. Obviously you don't read my comments before you post. I believe you'll find you're the fascist pushing for segregated communities. Sounds exactly like Mussolini somehow.

"Plus you seem to seem to have a chip on your shoulder and have to show the 'entire world' that you are right. Who cares? "

-It’s not only a personal dislike of the appropriation of anarchist ideology and symbolism; the entire anarchist movement in Australia knows the New Right are a fucking joke.

"If you want to debate people why not start with Troy Southgate? He was one of the main guys the created the ideology of National Anarchism."

-There's no need to debate with Troy Southgate cause the mans an idiot. Ex National Front Seigheilians don’t make for good conversation let alone debate. The guy worships Norse gods for fucks sake, what does that tell you?

"Besides, all of this 'talk' on a blog that you are doing doesn't prove anything in the long run. Actions speak louder than words and I'm sure it irks you that the National Anarchists and other rival groups are doing activism and you can't do anything about it. Arguing or debating with us is not going to win us over to your tired, old and delusional way of thinking neither will it stop us from doing any activism."

Your grammar is abhorrent
Haha if you only knew ;)
Genuine anarchists are doing a lot more as we speak/type than any of your fascist buddies can muster up in those tiny little brains of yours. Far beyond your comprehension evidently.

"What the saddest thing of all is that you have cowardly Lefty-pinkos like yourself who have to whinge and cry to the state authorities to make the 'evil nazis' go away. You can't even fight your own battles!"

-Like who for example? I'm getting a lot of mixed messages here. One hand you have alex that claims s/he's a pacifist, the next theres you advocating violent confrontation. If by fighting your referring to fighting in the streets then there'd be some genuine anarchists happy to oblige to your request.

"Most of you can't punch your way out of a wet paper bag either, by the way!"

As opposed to the idiot talking themselves up on the net about how big and strong they are :P

"Worry about your own blog and don't bother wasting people's time. And take your analogies of oranges and apples with you too this isn't a bloody fruit store!"

-I sense your inability to debate you may now depart. Also I believe Alex brought up the fruit analogy first...

"You don't wanna end up a jobless dole-bludger like 'anarchist'(fascist) against the wall. "

-You really are full of it

To Alex:
"Skelton, Thanks for your comments. I hadn't forgotten them. I had intended to get back to you and others on the weekend when I've got some more time to spend looking at your comments and questions and answering them properly as well as updating the blog with some news items. Keeping up with this blog has been difficult lately, sorry."

-Skelton? I believe you have me confused with someone else. Also I can't say I enjoy you making false claims that I'm threatening you with violence Alex, not to mention the fact your asking for help to formulate your arguments from this web page:

In response to your submissions on that forum, I've never said I want you to disassociate yourself from national anarchism, I said if you don't enjoy being labelled as such then disassociate yourself. Otherwise stick with it, I can't stop you.

Anonymous said...

Re: Anon

Silly? Bitch my IQ is off the charts...

why doesnt someone reply to my perfectly valid question? How can you have a state(nationalism), and anarchy(lack of non consensual heirarchy, or however you want to define it..)

You did pick me as a procrastinator though lol... every assignment has been late for me this year xD

Anonymous said...

Re anon's first comment. If I said "haha a couple of yellow/black/brown guys" I have no doubt someone would call me out for racism. Just saying.

Alex said...

To: Anarchist against the wall:

I do not attempt to combine something that ideologically relies on authoritarianism, hierarchy and a state. I am a Christian and an Anarchist, and as such a pacifist, like Tolstoy. Accept it or don’t. I don’t care, but I am not an imperialist that seeks to make everyone a Christian, Muslim, Jew, Hindu or atheist. You have no respect for my beliefs as a Christian, FINE! But you can’t suggest that the world will be wonderful when there is no religion. Religion is important to some people, it only becomes a problem when it become coercive.

I understand what you believe revolutionary anarchism is, although I want nothing to do with it.

When I said segregation, I referred to voluntary groups which occur naturally like cultural/ racial/ religious enclaves which already occur in society. They are not fascist or coercive, they just form naturally. I guess the problem comes down to how they are maintained. Are they enforced through violence? I hope not.

Explain criticism and persecution. You say I cannot be a Christian and an Anarchist? Isn’t that persecution or at the very least social exclusion and thereby coercive? You also say that a group of people should not exclude others in a Muslim only community by any force, and yet, you suggest that it would be ok to exterminate people (racist/nazi/fascists) who do not fit into your ideal of an anarchist society? Wait? Who is the fascist?

YOU SAID: The fact that your failing to articulate your arguments might well be the reason you feel as if I’m "coercing" you. But I'm not, its not coercion to debate and criticise.

Maybe?! I guess I’m confused because I find your statements hypocritical to be perfectly honest.

LOL –The ben Kenobi quote about following fools was that you said my blog was full of crap and no-one should waste their time on it. Yet here you are. If it’s such crap, don’t read it and I would never think that you are following in my footsteps. You have your own path to tread. Good luck to you, take down the system! ;-)

YOU SAID- Why on earth would i want to do that? Then I wouldn't have the fun of pointing out your hypocrisy and inconsistencies

That’s what I was going to say to you!!! LOL.

Anonymous said...

To Alex.

I'd like to hear an explanation of your ideas on segregation/free association. Are you like much of the new right in that you want division of skin colour? Or are you simply talking about free association as in, people who follow similar beliefs tend to group? It would be a shame to hear that you're a racist, considering your deep interest in anarchism. I understand what AATW is saying though, as you do align yourself with an organisation with a long history of reactionary views.

Although not Christian, I'd like to say spirituality is not oppressive or fascist until it becomes altered for coercive purposes. Christianity's base was largely esoteric and liberating. The bible's been rewritten countless times.