Thursday, December 20, 2007

Separatism for Lakota Indians and Australian Aborigines

The Lakota Indians, who gave the world legendary warriors Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse, have withdrawn from treaties with the United States. Long-time Indian rights activist Russell Means said....

"We are no longer citizens of the United States of America and all those who live in the five-state area that encompasses our country are free to join us.The new country would issue its own passports and driving licences, and living there would be tax-free -- provided residents renounce their US citizenship."

A delegation of Lakota leaders delivered a message to the State Department on Monday, announcing they were unilaterally withdrawing from treaties they signed with the federal government of the United States, some of them more than 150 years old.

The move is completely legal after the United Nations adopted a non-binding declaration for the rights of indigenous people, and the fact that the treaties have been repeatedly violated. The main reasons for this move are horrifying statistics; Lakota teen suicides are 150 percent above the norm for the United States; infant mortality is five times higher than the US average; and unemployment is rife.

"Our people want to live, not just survive or crawl and be mascots."

It seems to me that the Lakota Indians need separatism for their own "racial" survival. If the rates of infant mortality are so high, moving closer to U.S cities with proper health facilities would improve these statistics. Hence, I believe this move is to preserve their racial and cultural identity.

This reminds me of the Australian Aborigines, who through forced assimilation, as a population have also been decimated racially and culturally.

I really admire Glen Atkinson 's gusto, that he has the courage of his convictions to stand up and fight for his people, regardless of the ramifications to himself for his actions. (very Emma Goldman!). He believes that the Australian court system and police have no power over him or his people.

"I don't believe they [white man] have the jurisdiction to adjudicate Aboriginal people under law. "

I totally support the indigenous people of this country to maintain the land in the way that they see fit, without intervention from the Australian Government or its immigrant population. If you believe immigrant to be a pejorative term, it is, and I refer to the original (and current) immigrants to this land. Ideally, what Glen is expressing here is the right for his people to form autonomous Aboriginal communities. Communities built along racial and cultural separatism, no different from the Lakota Indians in the United States, who based on statistics shown, is necessary for their survival. Many of the Australian Aboriginal dialects are already extinct, and the people who call themselves Aboriginal are far from what their traditional ancestors looked like. I think it's terribly sad, that white man has caused such devastation to an indigenous people. Unfortunately, these are the effects of large scale immigration to any population, where the only solution is separatism (not forced, but voluntary); an anarchist community based along racial and cultural homogeneity.

I do not say these things lightly, as I believe they are highly controversial, however, for the preservation of the indigenous people of both Australia and the United States, this course of action is a necessity. To waste time over moralising arguments is to deny the right of a these people their chance at survival in a world seeking to form a uniform hegemony. For the preservation of biodiversity, the Australian Aborigines and the Lakota Indians must be allowed to form their own autonomous communities, free from state intervention in whatever manner they deem appropriate.


Tuesday, December 18, 2007

A Dangerous Woman

Book Review:
I've just finished reading my first graphic novel "A Dangerous Woman" by Sharon Rudahl. It's a biography of Emma Goldman, a Russian Jewish Anarchist from the twentieth century living in the United Sates. I have to say, it's one of the most entertaining and informative reads about Emma's life. I can see why people get into comics, and while it's strange to think of an anarchist as a "super hero", Emma was nothing short of an extraordinary person. She pushed boundaries not just for statists, but for women, overtly expressing the right for a woman to execute her will with her stance on free love and birth control. Ultimately she would be considered a staunch feminist and proudly Jewish, and yet she didn't approve of women's suffrage, and I doubt she would approve of Zionism. Emma is just as much a revolutionary in her time, as she would be now, and all the sacrifices and challenges she faced are still relevant today.

Emma served multiple jail terms, with a 2 year stint for her opposition to World War I. While in jail any benefits she received she equally shared among the prison population, she was a true socialist.

What I believe to be the most relevant to the current political foray was the 1903 anti-anarchist law in the United States which prohibited entry to anyone opposed to organised Government. This law was passed after the assassination of President McKinley in 1901 by Czologsz (an anarchist), for which Emma was accused of being involved.

In 1903 an English anarchist by the name of John Turner was to give a lecture, but was refused entry to the U.S to which Emma established a free speech league. This particularly struck me as being relevant, as we see many people today barred entry into certain countries and even jailed for speaking out about certain topics. For those who believe certain topics should be barred, I give you Emma's speech......

Free Speech means nothing if it does not mean the freedom to say what
others don't want to hear

She chained herself to a light pole and continued to say that under the first amendment, free speech meant that she can write and say as she pleased..... Times haven't really changed, Oh, Emma, if only you were still here...

What also fascinated me about Emma was her steadfast belief in equality between men and women, and yet refused to accept women's suffrage. Instead she was quoted as saying

Women's suffrage will mean more meddling and regulating morals

In a republic there are many ways for the strong, the
cunning, and the rich to seize power and hold it!

Some of Emma's non-anarchists influences included the nihilists and Nietzsche, so it's no surprise that she wasn't particularly fond of moralising arguments.
I can't honestly do this book any justice, it's a great read, and there are so many facets to Emma and her extraordinary self-sacrifice for the greater good. She is truly inspirational.

The political arena leaves one no alternative, one must either be a dunce or a rogue.

So what are you? A dunce or a rogue?

Friday, December 14, 2007

Santa is an anagram for satan

It's that time of year again when we all go into significant debt to buy crap for people we don't like, and for which they don't need. How did this happen, and why would you want to prevent people from celebrating Santa style consumerism?

Ironically, it was puritan Christians arriving to America in 1492 who celebrated jolly old saint nic which today has become a secular holiday. I couldn't quite understand why primary schools and pre-schools in Australia would ban Santa Claus from visiting and putting up the traditional tree and decorations, quoting that it would cause offense to our newly arrived migrants. Now, I can understand that Christmas is a christian holiday, and not all people in Australia are Christians. However, saint nic is only loosely associated with Christianity, and in fact, if you ask any christian what they think of Santa they will say he is co-opting the real meaning and message of Christmas. So, why ban the guy? Last time I checked, he was one of the few people who saw past religion, race, gender and class. Doesn't Santa conceptually represent the most egalitarian person in the world today?

I think in Australia, if you're trying to create another cronulla, the best thing you can do, is ban Santa from the mainstream secular crowd.

For me personally, I think the whole Christmas consumerism is highly over-rated, but realistically, we're talking about banning a secular holiday. Go figure.

Then of course, there was Santa's highly controversial 'ho ho ho', which was deemed offensive to women. Again, last time I checked, there hasn't ever been a female Santa Claus, so saint nic has always been an offensive sexist bastard. Why change now? Personally, I always liked that about him, and his ability to scare the crap out of little kids.

I always wondered too, why is it when we're told to save energy and 'go green', all these western consumers are putting up Christmas lights sucking down thousands of kilowatts of energy? Combine this with our obligation to spend $30 per person on everyone we've ever known, and you've got the perfect breeding ground for the best consumer holiday for corporations EVER.

This year, my wife and I have decided, no Christmas presents for anyone; period. This includes people who tenaciously keep to handing out gifts even after we've begged them not too. This means of course, come Christmas day with the "out-laws" we have to graviously accept gifts while looking the giver in the eye and say " sorry, nothing for you". It's such a scummy thing to do, but in the long run, they get the message, and they too will stop handing out useless gifts.... eventually ending the cycle of needless consumerism.

"Christmas Consumerism" by Scotty Zuke, who has the down low....

It's that time of year again: The Annual Holiday-Themed Mass Consumption Month! Actually, that's not exactly correct. It used to be just a month, but every year the Christmas shopping season is stretched a bit further to boost sales. If you think about it, it's truly remarkable how we Americans are driven into a buying frenzy. The Christmas music is usually the first sign. Malls and stores will begin playing the music earlier every year, tricking the shoppers into thinking that the holiday season is quickly approaching. Besides that, it is scientifically proven that background music affects shopping habits, and I can't help but imagine that the music associated with Christmas is extremely powerful in increasing buying.