Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Austrasia, the new Republic of China

Australia is quickly following China's lead to implement Internet Censorship under the guise of protecting the children (my personal favourite).

“Censorship is quite an industry in China. Every village has spies to watch neighbors; the mail and the poster boards are watched, say expat Chinese. It is said (by dissidents) that China has 40,000 Web police hard at work just in Beijing, looking over the shoulders of Web users and composing lists of banned words that cause a Web search to freeze up or a site to automatically be blocked.”

The Australian government originally stated that the Internet Filter would be an opt out filter for porn, but like the proverbial frog in the boiling water, the Australian government has changed its mind.

"The government has declared it will not let internet users opt out of the proposed national internet filter. The plan was first created as a way to combat child pornography and adult content, but could be extended to include controversial websites on euthanasia or anorexia".

Now, the government is going to block websites it deems unwanted, without actually explaining what unwanted content is.

"AUSTRALIA'S mandatory net filter is being primed to block 10,000 websites as part of a blacklist of unspecified "unwanted content". Some 1300 websites have already been identified by the Australian Communications and Media Authority."

Get involved in opposing the internet filter with No Clean Feed and Civil Liberties groups


Friday, October 17, 2008

Victoria Police Spying on Activists!

VICTORIA Police's secret intelligence unit has infiltrated Melbourne's activist and community groups for two years to gather information on protests against the Iraq War, Japanese whaling and a weapons exhibition. Reigniting civil liberties concerns about police spying, an officer from the police Security Intelligence Group has infiltrated groups such as Animal Liberation Victoria, Stop the War Coalition, Unity for Peace and Socialist Alternative. The officer, who posed as a vegan, left-wing activist, has also had close contact with representatives of church and student groups involved in anti-war demonstrations. So successful was his operation that the organising committee for this year's Palm Sunday peace march in Melbourne appointed him its minute-taker at meetings.

The Palm Sunday event, held each March since 2003, has been attended by tens of thousands of Victorians opposed to the Iraq War. It is organised and endorsed by a variety of groups across the community, including churches, students, unions and doctors. The officer, whose identity The Age has chosen not to publish, also took part in an illegal raid on a battery hen farm in June and travelled with a socialist group to the APEC summit in Sydney last year to attend the "Stop Bush" protest against the US President. The officer's most recent work was with activists planning to disrupt a major arms fair in Adelaide next month. The Asia Pacific Defence and Security Exhibition was cancelled last month after police briefings warned of violent protests. Continued...

The State will go to any lengths to maintain its power and control over its citizens.

Monday, September 29, 2008

To err is human, to hate divine?

Well, it seems that this anarchist has pissed off some rather unsavoury licorice all sorts.

A newly popped up blog designed presumably for no other reason than to expunge their hatred of what they consider to be an invalid form of anarchism, has the audacity to state that free speech does not include hate speech, whilst at the same time describing me as an uneducated buffoon incapable of stringing a sentence together. Hypocrisy anyone?

But then, I suppose free speech doesn't become hate speech when you disagree with the other person and believe yourself to have the moral high ground?! Right guys. I couldn't care less what you call me, but the fact is, you've offended me, and by your definition, that's hate speech and it's oppressive. So either you lot aren't anarchists, or you agree with me, and hate speech does in fact include the RIGHT to offend another human being.

Further to their accusations that I am not a true anarchist, they request any personal information about me to be sent to someone I believed to be a true Anarchist and comrade (with whom I did not necessary agree with on everything, but supported on my blog anyway), @ndy, or Slack Bastard.

You accuse me of hate speech (whichby your definition) is coercive and removes the freedom of others, and yet at the same time, you request my personal information so that you may take away my privacy. Something, which I believe is totally unethical and un-anarchist in nature. A behaviour, which I would expect the State to engage in, not fellow political activists.

Perhaps that is my punishment for such thought crimes and thinking outside the square?

As for the rumours of my location - sure, I'm in Melbourne, I've been to protests in Melbourne, which have been documented on my blog. I haven't been to a climate change one, and had I, you can be sure I would have posted pics and a report accordingly. Shit happens, and I haven't kept up my blog for yonks. I haven't done any political activism, or even been posting regularly on the blog. Work's been HELL!

Am I at La Trobe? I sure was. I even ran in the elections, and I've even had some stuff published from the blog in the La Trobe magazine. The great thing about La Trobe (not just that it's an activist hub in Melbourne), but it's also got free internet access. If you're an anarchist, or just on the cheap, the library offers free internet, and no need for a student login. So head on over, I'm a cheap skate, they're open till 10pm on weeknights!

As for me being called a woman... well, I've been called worse :-)

So please, slander me with your hate speech all you want, but don't turn around and hypocritically tell a Neo Nazi that they are bigoted, hate filled people. At least a Nazi admits what they are.

Friday, August 22, 2008

When the State goes too far.... Parents are fugitives

Parents on the run with baby after refusing vaccination

A SYDNEY couple was on the run with their two-day-old baby last night after the Department of Community Services took out a Supreme Court order to have the boy vaccinated against hepatitis B.

The parents, from Croydon Park, fled their home on Thursday to avoid police and DOCS officers after they refused to have their son vaccinated at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital. They told the Herald yesterday that they believed aluminium in the vaccine could cause him more damage than contracting hepatitis B.

The child's mother, from China, was diagnosed with hepatitis B several years ago, but both parents believe the illness, which can cause liver cancer and cirrhosis, can be managed more effectively than any potential neurological damage from the vaccine.
Vaccinations are not compulsory in Australia but it is NSW Health policy that parents of all babies born to hepatitis-B-positive mothers are offered immunoglobulin for the child within 12 hours of birth and four doses of the vaccine over six months.

The father, a financial adviser who is seeking an injunction against the court order, said he was told by doctors and midwives on the post-natal ward that they would be arrested and lose custody of their child if he left the hospital without having the vaccination.
The man said he and his wife had then left the hospital on Wednesday after agreeing to visit a GP, accompanied by a DOCS officer, on Thursday to get more information about the risks involved. But when the father failed to show up at 4pm at an Ashfield medical centre, he was told DOCS was removing the baby from his care for immediate vaccination.

"We gathered some things and fled the house," he said yesterday.
But David Isaacs, a professor in pediatric infectious diseases at the Children's Hospital at Westmead and one of the doctors who contacted DOCs, said the case had angered staff because the baby's rights were being ignored.

"I am a strong believer in vaccinations being voluntary but not getting this baby vaccinated is a form of child abuse," he said. "We are talking a potentially major and awful outcome for this child and it is our job to protect children when they can't make decisions for themselves."

Has the State gone too far? Or should this couple be forced to immunize their child knowning the risks with the mother being Hep B positive?

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

New surveillence laws allow bugging without warrant

NEW surveillance laws give NSW law enforcement agencies explicit powers to install listening and tracking devices without a warrant.
The Surveillance Devices Act 2008 came into effect on Friday and also extends the duration of such surveillance from 21 days to 90 days, when a warrant has been ordered.
Police and the highly controversial NSW Crime Commission are just two state agencies that will have the new powers.

The Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) and the Police Integrity Commission (PIC) also fall within the new legislation.
The threat of imminent danger will be enough for law enforcement to install a host of monitoring devices for up to two days before obtaining a warrant.
The 90-day warrant period means detectives will not be required to re-apply during long surveillance operations often involved when monitoring suspected terrorists or organised crime groups.
NSW Attorney-General John Hatzistergos said the laws would cut red tape and allow for quick turnaround.,22049,24121376-5006009,00.html

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Who will police the police?

The Australian Federal Police have far more power than any State police force, but are subject to far less scrutiny. The inevitable result is to create tremendous opportunities for corruption and the abuse of power. Really!?! Who'd have thought?

Last week, the NSW Crime Commission found itself in the unusual position of squirming in the public spotlight after its assistant director Mark Standen, a former AFP member, was charged with offences relating to the alleged help he gave an international drug ring trying to import chemicals for making “ice”.

Whether Mr Standen is guilty is now a matter for the courts. If his arrest prompts a wider investigation which ends up curtailing the Crime Commission’s powers, it will be long overdue. The CC exercises draconian powers in great secrecy, without the limited constraints that apply to the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation. Yet the CC has had about 100 investigators working on a terrorism reference on top of its original job of combating illicit drugs.

Former NSW Labor premier Bob Carr even announced that the then head of ASIO, Dennis Richardson, would join the CC’s board. Mr Carr hadn’t bothered to check with Mr Richardson, who refused. For the NSW Labor Government, the CC has the attraction of generating revenue from Proceeds of Crime laws which allow a person’s assets to be frozen before any charges are laid, then forfeited permanently despite an acquittal.

Unlike the NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption, the CC is not subject to oversight by a parliamentary committee or any other body. People hauled before the commission’s secret hearings can bring a lawyer but are forbidden by law from telling anyone what happened, no matter how outrageous. However, the Sydney Morning Herald reported two instances which show how it operates.

In one case, the CC froze the assets of NSW farmer Keith Gardiner after his former wife, whom he had divorced 17 years earlier, was convicted for growing 56 marijuana plants. In a reversal of the normal onus of proof, Mr Gardiner then had to demonstrate his innocence. Eventually he did, only to find the CC kept part of his money which it now alleged had been falsely obtained in a dispute over his parents’ estate — not something normally regarded as part of a brief on drugs, organised crime and terrorism.

In another case, Justice Harold Sperlin said the law required him to order a woman to forfeit her assets, including a half share in a $1.4 million house, after she had shoplifted five jumpers worth less than $500. Justice Sperlin recommended that the law be amended because what had had happened to the woman was “wrong”. But nothing has changed.

To its credit, the AFP arrested Mr Standen even though he is a former colleague of AFP Commissioner Mick Keelty. But this hardly removes the need for a well-resourced body to check on corruption and misconduct within the AFP’s own ranks. There is no reason to expect its members are any less susceptible to misconduct than other police forces in the world, especially as it is heavily involved in drug operations which are notorious for fostering corruption. The Australian Commission for Law Enforcement Integrity was established two years ago to scrutinise the Australian Crime Commission and the AFP. But its budget is pathetically inadequate.

Despite Labor’s promise in opposition to give “teeth to this tiger”, the Rudd Government gave it a meagre $2.8 million for 2008-09. This compares with the $20-$30 million, or more, available to similar State bodies. Until the ACLEI is properly funded, there is no way it can conduct the resource-hungry surveillance, telephone intercept and “sting” operations essential to containing corruption.

The AFP has also been given new powers, and many more staff, to gather security intelligence — a job previously the preserve of ASIO. But ASIO, unlike the AFP, is scrutinised by an Inspector-General, as well a special parliamentary oversight committee.


Sunday, June 1, 2008

I am one crazy mo' fo

Take the test here:

Disorder Rating Information
Paranoid: Very High click for info
Schizoid: High click for info
Schizotypal: Very High click for info
Antisocial: High click for info
Borderline: Very High click for info
Histrionic: Very High click for info
Narcissistic: Very High click for info
Avoidant: Moderate click for info
Dependent: Very High click for info
Obsessive-Compulsive: High click for info

I'd like to know what other anarchists get for their 'personality disorders'. I think we'll find that most of us are 'anti-social'!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

More bad news for free speech - this time it's the "Cult" of scientology

Whoa. The bad news just keeps on keeping on, how's this for a hate crime?

UK teenager has been ordered to appear in court for using the word "cult" to describe the Church of Scientology. The 15 year old was served a summons by police when he took part in a demonstration on May 10 opposite the London headquarters of the controversial religion. Police confiscated the youth's placard with the world ‘cult’ written on it, the Guardian newspaper reports. The teenager is a member of the internet-based movement Anonymous, which has been banned by police from describing Scientology as a cult because it was "abusive and insulting".

"This barmy prosecution makes a mockery of Britain's free speech traditions”, said civil liberty group spokesperson Shami Chakrabarti.

Free Speech is hate Speech, it is the freedom to express your opinion even if it offends others. We don't need to defend free speech if people agree with you, you only need to defend free speech when someone doesn't agree with what you have to say.

On February 10, 2008, the self-named group "Anonymous" began with Project Chanology, with a mass protest worldwide against the Church of Scientology. Anonymous has an Anarchist structure as it lacks any visible hierarchy or leaders, instead relying on individuals to contribute to the group on their own.

The group declared war on the church of scientology to end the financial exploitation of Church members and protecting the right to free speech, a right which they claim was consistently violated by the Church of Scientology in pursuit of its opponents.

Australian iron fist of the State suppress' dissenting views

It seems that Freedom of Speech has taken another blow, this time in the land Down under.

Melbourne University has demoted one of its most outspoken academics after a complaint against him by the State Government. Dr Mees said at a public forum last year that the authors of a 2007 report on privatisation were "liars and frauds and should be in jail".

"The university strongly supports and encourages the principles of academic freedom," Professor McPhee said.

Apparently, that academic freedom only applies when you're not on the payroll.

Professor Low has been in negotiations with the State Government over funding a research project into greenhouse gas emissions from transport. Mr Betts has agreed to be a partner in the application for funding.

Didn't you know, the defense of truth is no defense for the truth!

Without telling Dr Mees, the university also launched an investigation into whether he had damaged the university's reputation. The inquiry, conducted by Michael King of Monash University's law faculty, found Dr Mees had "brought the university into disrepute by making derogatory and insulting comments" about government officers.

Dr King found it did not matter whether Dr Mees' statements were true or not. "His defence of truth should be dismissed," says Dr King's report.

He rejected Dr Mees' defence that the comments were not "insulting or derogatory", that he spoke the truth, and that it was part of his duty as an academic to "expose corruption".

Dr Mees has since quit the university, and will give his final lecture next week. He has accepted a role with RMIT's planning department.

"I don't think we're in kansas anymore Toto". What is happening to our university system when our academics can no longer speak the truth about Government corruption?

The Iron Fist of the State doesn't need to strike, it just needs to withhold capital.

Fight Corruption. EAT THE RICH!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Another Blow for Free Speech - Dutch cartoonist arrested for 'insulting people'

The Jyllands-Posten Muhammad cartoons controversy began after twelve editorial cartoons, most of which depicted the Islamic prophet Muhammad, were published in the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten on 30 September 2005. 5,000 Muslim immigrants living in Denmark took to the streets in protest over the cartoons. They were republished in a furter 50 newspapers across the world, resulting in worldwide riots.

Supporters have said that the cartoons illustrated an important issue in a period of Islamic terrorism and that their publication is a legitimate exercise of the right of free speech, explicitly tied to the issue of self-censorship.

They claim that Muslims were not targeted in a discriminatory way since unflattering cartoons about other religions are frequently printed, case in point- Christianity. In Brussels a young Muslim immigrant published a poster depicting the Virgin Mary with naked breasts. It depicts the virgin Mary with a howling child and a bowl of blood. She is barebreasted and is sitting next to a shield with the arms of Flanders. As a muslim immigrant Ben Chikha is allowed to use such images. Though the picture has drawn some protest from Catholics (sans riots) this artist has not recieved death threats, and is being subsidised by the Ministry for Culture. Sounds like a double standard to me!

The Latest in the Cartoon Saga -

AMSTERDAM, Netherlands - A Dutch political cartoonist was arrested this week on suspicion of insulting people because of their race or religion through his work, authorities said Friday. The cartoonist, who works under the pseudonym Gregorius Nekschot, was arrested Tuesday on suspicion of violating hate speech laws and held overnight before being released, a spokeswoman for his publisher Uitgeverij Xtra said.

She asked that her name not be used, and declined to give Nekschot's real name, because the cartoonist and publisher have both received death threats. Nekschot is known primarily for cartoons mocking Muslims and leftists, though the spokeswoman said he is a satirist who targets "any strong ideology." Amsterdam public prosecutor spokeswoman Sanne van Meteren said Nekschot remains a suspect in a criminal investigation.

"We suspect him of insulting people on the basis of their race or belief, and possibly also of inciting hate," she said.

Each is a crime punishable by up to a year in prison under Dutch hate speech laws — or two years for multiple offenses.

What have we come to when people are arrested for political cartoons?

Further Information:

Friday, April 18, 2008

Immigration, Population and Environmentalism

Immigration is one source of population growth, which results in more people to consume goods and services. This larger market is better for local businesses and many migrants bring money into the country and some start up businesses that may offer employment. Many economists argue that, if carefully controlled, this can benefit the nation’s economy and hence, indirectly, our quality of life.

Environmental scientists point out that Australia is already suffering considerable damage to its soils, waterways, coastal zones and natural habitats through intensive agriculture, urban expansion, industrial development and the ever-increasing demand for goods and services. Groups who oppose population increase on environmental grounds suggest that even the present Australian population cannot be indefinitely sustained at its present rate of consumption by the renewable resources of the continent.

Read the rest here

I think it's important from an Environmental perspective to cover the issues of not just Immigration, but also the current population in Australia. If I may, I would like to use a very simplistic model to explain problems with over-population.

Firstly, let me talk about my own home. I live with my wife in a two bedroom house. We often have interstate family vistors, or just comrades who need to crash for the night. Although, there seems to be one unspoken rule, and that is, we only ever have people stay in the house when the spare bedroom is free.

We will refer to this as a 'one in, one out' policy.

Imagine, for the moment if we were to accept 10 people to stay in our very small two bedroom home. People would have to sleep on the floor, bathrooms would be in constant use, and the toilet could very well overflow. Issues with kitchen use will arise, and no doubt noise complaints will increase due to the varying hours that people keep in the house. All in all, it would lead to a diminshed quality of life for all parties. Not to mention, that living in such confining conditions would lead to resentment between house mates.

Any of this sound familiar?
I think its time for Australia to work out exactly how many bedrooms it has before trying to increase its population either through immigration or encouraging an increase in birth rate.

If there is only one thing I could ever agree with Pauline Hansen on, its a 'one in, one out' net zero immigration policy. I have continually lobbied for such things, written to ministers, and newspapers. The newspapers (The Age, The Australian), outright refuse to publish my constant letters asking for net zero immigration and population management to raise the issue.

At first I thought it was because they thought I was being "Racist". So I continued to write letters, making sure that I was clear that I didn't care who came into the country, that it was irrespective of race, religion or gender. I also specified that it didn't matter if they were skilled or unskilled, just that we might "look into" the issue. Nothing. Absolute Silence.

The only people who are really benefiting from high levels of immigration are the property developers, big business and all at the expense of the Australian Environment.
I'm dissapointed that the greens party hasn't investigated the impacts of population on the environment and consider policies for population reduction.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Freedom to hate striked down

Recently, an Anarchist comrade's blog was pulled down. @ndy or Slackbastard.

On April 8, Mathaba News Network demanded host of domain name be shut down. The subject of their complaint was a post on @ndys blog. The blog post in question concerned the nature of the news service, and in particular the recent history of its owner, Adam Musa King. From what I have gathered, Mathaba hosted some information about the New Right, which is @ndys current pet hate. (which is his right and choice).

To cut a long story short, @ndy has called owner Adam King a Fascist based upon the theory of guilt by association (assuming NR are fascists). Which is the right of @ndy to do, under Freedom of Speech. However, Mr King has removed the site through legal libel proceedings.

@ndys blog recently was totally removed from the internet by the host after rightful legal pressure as a result of his extensive vilification and defamation of others and from using a fake name to register his blog along with a PO box address.

Aparently, websites must be registered at a home address not a PO Box. Haha! Thats some fine anarchist work there @ndy! Which follows Anarchy Downunder's 9th Commandment - Don't get caught! We could all learn a thing or two on how to dodge the Authorities from this Australian Anarchist!

Although, I do have one thought for my Anarchist comrade. Freedom of speech includes the freedom to hate, as you have quite rightly exercised. However, one cannot demand freedom without first granting it to others. Something to think about anyway.....

Karma is a harsh mistress.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Good Science doesn't have a consensus

It seems that like the holocaust, no dissenting views of anthropogenic global warming are allowed. At least you wont go to jail yet for denying the existence of global warming.

Professor Aitkin told The Australian yesterday he had been told he was "out of his mind" by some in the media after writing that the science of global warming "doesn't seem to stack up".

The eminent historian and political scientist said in a speech called A Cool Look at Global Warming, which has received little public attention, that he was urged not to express his contrary views to orthodox thinking because he would be demonised.

He says critics who question the impact of global warming are commonly ignored or attacked because "scientist activists" from a quasi-religious movement have spread a flawed message that "the science is settled" and "the debate is over".

Read the full article here

Discussion and debate should be allowed, and if the science for anthropogenic global warming is good, the dissenting views can be shut down case by case, point by point.

I believe the same should be the case for holocaust deniers or revisionism. If the science and evidence for the Holocaust is undeniable, then let these dissenting views be blown out of the water case by case, point by point. To lock up people for thought crime, only adds credibility to their arguments.

David Irving was arrested in Austria and jailed for a year for denying that the holocaust killed 6 million Jews during WWII. I am not a revisionist supporter, but I'm not a supporter of political prisoners and thought criminals either.

Read about David Irving article here

FREEDOM OF SPEECH means you are not arrested or charged for your right to a dissenting opinion. Thought crime is just too 1984 for me.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

State Claims Ownership of Newborn DNA

God Bless America!
Unknown to most new parents, or those who became parents in the last ten or so years, DNA of newborns has been harvested, tested, stored and experimented with. All 50 states are now routinely providing these results to the Homeland Security Department. Excellent!

If you recall the movie Gattaca, embryos were created and screened to provide the ultimate eugenics program and the "super" human. Some refused to take part in this process and had "God" children, children who were made through normal conception. These children invariably didn't have the same superior genome compared to GMO children, and were thus forced into unwanted societal roles like cleaning and garbage disposal.

In Minnesota the state tests for 56 various genetic disorders and variants. At least 1/3 of these tests produce a false positive meaning that a flaw was identified that actually did not exist. Regardless, the false positive becomes part of the permanent record of the child and follows them for the rest of their lives as does any true positives. This means that the child may face discrimination in employment and the ability to gain health insurance at any cost.

Should we really be complaining? I mean, after all it's not required by law, you can opt out of the pogram, that is, if you knew about it in the first place.

Our legislators declared that if the parent doesn’t specifically opt out, they are presumed to have “informed consent” and have opted in.

So what are the long term implicaions of this?

The implications of the DNA database need to be viewed in conjuction with the Real ID Act in the US, and the requirement by Americans to carry around National Identity Cards. Combine the identity card with your DNA, and you've got yourself a highly controlled Statist system. I hear people saying? So, thats ok, if you're not doing anything wrong? Others look forward to a technocractic Utopia where everything you do will be based on your DNA, from your ATM card, your health insurance, driving your car, the locks on your house, all of which could be DNA specific.

It's all just a little bit Big Brother (1984) and This Perfect Day for my liking.

Read the full article by Marti Oakley

Read about RFID chips and the Real ID act here and here and here.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Is there such a thing as different races in the human species? Or are we just one race – the human race?

I found this article: The K9 Comparison—What Dogs Tell Us About Humans

The article describes a scientist Dr Freedman who himself is in a bi-racial marriage, perform tests on different dog breeds to determine the effect of breed on behaviour.

Dog breeds provide the classic case study of within-species differentiation. Those who would dismiss race and race differences regularly point out that DNA differences between races are minimal. But, as Vincent Sarich demonstrated in Race: The Reality of Human Differences (pp. 170 – 173) human racial differences in morphology are greater than in any non-domesticated species. They are around ten times the difference between the sexes within each race and larger than the differences that distinguish the two species of chimpanzee. Despite minimal genetic differences, human physical racial differences are clearly observable.

(Studies show that humans share 98.4% of genetic information with Chimpanzees, so it only takes a little to change phenotypical differences in nature).

He submitted the paper on racial differences in neonate behavior to Science, the most prestigious scientific journal in the U.S. It had published his study behavioral differences in pups of different dog breeds without any problem or controversy. The paper on race differences, however, was rejected by a split vote of the reviewers. Interesting!

Freedman then submitted it to Nature, the British analogue to Science. It again received a split decision from the judges. Fortunately, the editor broke the deadlock by casting his deciding vote in favor of publication. [Behavioural Differences between Chinese–American and European–American Newborns D. G. Freedman & Nina Chinn Freedman, Nature December 20, 1969]

The following are the interesting scientific points to note to suggest there are different races, with different characteristics inherent in their genes.

New born babies were studied by neurologists using a maneuver called the "defense reaction", the baby's nose was briefly pressed with a cloth, forcing him to breathe with his mouth. Most Caucasian and black babies fight the maneuver by immediately turning away or swiping at the cloth with their hands. Not surprisingly, this is listed in Western pediatric textbooks as the normal, expected response.

But not so for the average Chinese babies in the study. They simply lay on their back, breathing from the mouth, "accepting" the cloth without a fight.

There were other more subtle differences. While both Chinese and Caucasian infants would start to cry at about the same point in the examination, especially when they were being undressed, Chinese babies stopped crying immediately, while Caucasian babies quieted only gradually.
The conclusions found that white babies started to cry more easily, and once they started, they were more difficult to console. Chinese babies adapted to almost any position in which they were placed. When placed face down in their cribs, they tended to keep their faces buried in the sheets rather than immediately turning to one side, as did the Whites.

Another scientific field that recognises racial difference is pharmacogenetics for example, the study of genetic differences in the tolerance and effectiveness of medicinal drugs. African American patients, on average, do not benefit as much as whites from ACE (Angiotensin Converting Enzyme) inhibitors, a standard treatment for heart failure. This is probably because of race differences in nitric oxide, which is produced by the cells that line our blood vessels and dampens contraction of the muscle cells, relaxing the vessels and lowering blood pressure. Blacks are more likely than whites to have nitric oxide insufficiency. Why, no one currently knows.

I would like to see this study conducted on children from bi-racial parents where the offspring are “pure” in their appearance of either being black/ asian/white to see if the mixed offspring will give the same response.

For example the image is of the “Hodgson twins” , where both the parents are bi-racial. They have twin daughters, one appears traditionally “black” while the other, with blonde hair and blue eyes appears “white”. To have one white offspring and one black offspring as twins is statisically a 1 in a million chance!

I’d like to see the results of the study done on these sorts of children, and the effects of mixed-race.

Genetics – interesting, no?

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Recommended reading and music List

The reading lists are for insight into the hegemony we are living in today, while the music is meant to inspire political activism. enjoy.

1984 - George Orwell
Genre(s): Dystopian, Political Novel
Publisher: Secker and Warburg (London)
Publication date: 8 June, 1949
ISBN 0-452-28423-6 (Paperback edition)

"War is Peace"
"Freedom is Slavery"
"Ignorance is Strength"
Need I say more?

Brave New World - Aldrous Huxley

Genre(s):Utopian novel
Publisher: Chatto and Windus (London)
Publication date:1932
ISBN 0-06-080983-3

Babies aren't grown anymore, they're harvested and cloned by the thousands. If you liked the movie Gattaca, you'll enjoy this book.

Fahrenheit 451 - Ray Bradbury

Genre(s): Dystopian novel
Publisher:Ballantine Books
Publication date:1953
ISBN 978-0-7432-4722-1 (current hardcover edition)

Books are banned and burned in this literary masterpiece

This Perfect Day - Ira Levin
Genre(s): Science fiction
Publisher: Random House
Publication date: 1970
ISBN: 0394448588

All the races of men are eugenically merged into one race with one language and one world controlled by UniComp. Everyone is medicated to be sheeple, and euthanized at 62. This is THE BEST dysotopian novel I've ever come across.

Christ, Marx, Wood and Wei, Led us to this perfect day.
Marx, Wood, Wei and Christ, All but Wei were sacrificed.
Wood, Wei, Christ and Marx, Gave us lovely schools and parks.
Wei, Christ, Marx and Wood, Made us humble, made us good.

Battlefield Earth - L.Ron Hubbard

Genre(s):Science fiction
Publisher: St. Martin's Press
Publication date: 1982
ISBN 1-59212-007-5

Johnnie Goodboy Tyler tries to unite the last remaining tribes on Earth in a final showdown with the Alien suppressors. Great for learning subversive military tactics in the presence of an occupying force. The movie was sacrilege, read the book.

Inferno - Larry Niven & Jerry Pournelle

Genre(s):Science fiction novel
Publisher:Pocket Books
Publication date :1976
ISBN 0-671-80490-1

Dante Alighieri's divine comedy in a modern day science fiction novel. It's a wild ride through the 12 circles of hell. Hold on tight, because you never know where you might end up.

The New Testament
books Matthew, Mark, Luke, John and Revelations.
Jesus; he was a revolutionary, a hippie, and an all round nice guy. He gives new meaning to the concept of passive resistance.

Stand My Ground - Traveling Wilburys
Dixie Chicks - Not ready to make nice
Edwin Star - War, what is it good for?
Pink - Dear Mr President
Pink Floyd - Another brick in the wall
Greenday - American Idiot
Greenday - Minority
The Verve - Bittersweet Symphony
Get Up, Stand Up - Bob Marley
Do the Evolution - Pearl Jam
Rage against the machine - Killing in the name of
Rage against the machine - Testify

Send me your picks to add to the music and reading list for Political Activists (ideology non-specific).

Your Choices
Working Class Hero - John Lennon
The 4th Branch - Immortal Technique
Take the Power Back - Rage Against the Machine
Prayer of the Refugee - Rise Against
Shakedown -Behind Crimson Eyes
The Good Soldier- Nine Inch Nails
Black Masks and Gasoline - Rise Against
A Perfect Circle's "Emotive" album - they covered a bunch of protest songs like, 'Gimme Gimme Gimme', 'Imagine' and 'People are People'
Capital G - Nine Inch Nails
Suvivalism - Nine Inch Nails

One Flew over the Cuckoos Nest by Ken Kessey
Catch-22 by Joseph Heller

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The Best Activist Song of All Time

Stand My Ground by the Traveling Wilburys

Regardless of which side of politics you're on - left or right, it doesn't matter. This song is for anyone who gave a damn about anything!

TRIVIA: You'll notice the drummer is Ringo Star from the Beatles, who is also the voice of Thomas the Tank Engine, and Tom Petty is the lead vocalist on guitar.

Friday, March 7, 2008

A visit by ASIO (Australian Securities Intelligence Organisation)

A comrade recently had a visit by the big "A", so i figured it's probably time for an expose' on some practical anarchy when dealing with ASIO/ NSA, and of course what to expect.
1. What to expect
Firstly, if you've paid attention to the news you would know that discussing killing the now ex-prime minister on the phone is not the smartest thing you could do. Let's face it, who hasn't thought of "boning" Jonnie anyway? But as we know, ASIO's recruitment program has grown exponentially over the past few years, and they do need to justify those inflated budgets somehow!

If you do appear to be important enough to be on their radar, the first stage is monitoring. You become flagged for surveillance if you have an association with someone who is being monitored.

You can then become a medium level threat - when your involvement in a suspected group is a low level threat and you meet other specified criteria (like access to weapons or chemicals in your job or you are one of the main activists in the flagged group), in which case you just might warrant a visit. That's when it gets really exciting.

They always come in pairs, and will generally visit your home, rather than your work place to maintain a low profile. Questions will be asked about why you belong to specific groups, your ideology, and your associations with other monitored people. Finally, they will demand that you sign a confidentially agreement. (more on that later).

All of your associations are then monitored as well - your friends and family to determine what threat level they possess. In most instances, your family is monitored purely for leverage and secondly as a weak link - hoping that under pressure they will divulge all of your dirty seditious secrets.

In a lot of cases, I believe the ASIO visit is just to let people know that they are being watched, therefore hoping to prevent any escalation of seditious behaviour; to "put the scares in em". In other instances, they are intentionally obtuse, thrusting warrants and injunctions around like confetti.

2. How to deal with them
The first visit is to touch base with you, but their contract of confidentiality certainly has chutzpah. They will demand that you have no right, no authority and no choice but to abide by their rules, sign the agreement and say nothing about their visitation. Their aim is gentling - to break your psyche like a horse into accepting what they say as gospel. They will tell you that signing the agreement does not mean that you agree to the terms and conditions, but that you MUST sign it with various B.S reasons.

Technically they are right, and signing a document doesn't mean that you have agreed to the terms and conditions. However, legally in signing a document you are BOUND by the terms and conditions. Once you sign it, it is a legal contract where your signature will be upheld in a court of law. So if you sign a confidentiality agreement and then tell others about your story, you will be held accountable.

You have the right to NOT sign the document!

You have the right to retain the document and have a lawyer look at it!

You have the right to disagree with everything that they say to you!

You have the right NOT to meet them!

You have the right NOT to answer any questions!

You have the right NOT to let them into your home or office (unless they have a warrant)!

You have the right to read the warrant BEFORE letting them into your home or office!

above all You have the right to REFUSE!

Their game is to break your psychological resolve, by applying pressure. Keep your cool, don't get angry. Once you loose your cool, games' over.

When they have a warrant there isn't a lot you can do, but you do have the right to be present in the house to "assist". I've heard from other comrades stories about how ASIO officers provided a warrant to search the guys house (lets call him Joe for the sake of argument). The warrant was requesting specific information which Joe was happy to hand over, but begged them to let him hand over the stuff when he got home, which they agreed. Suffice it to say, Joe didn't believe them and went home anyway to find them rifling through every facet of his home leaving as much mess as they could.

This is an intimidation technique, where anyone with an ego trip consciously makes your life difficult for no other reason that they can. Put it another way, destruction of property is just in a days job in securing the nation, so, say goodbye to the perfect and prized couch, which is obviously hiding illicit documents.

Above all, it's important to remain friendly, calm and if possible document as much of the event as you can through any medium that you can (photographs, recordings or just take notes, about time, location, names of agents, what they did). Take photos of how they left the property after they've gone. Remember, in a war of information, it pays to collect your own.

After a visit make sure you don't have any conversations on the phone that can be taken out of context (like offing the prime minister). When you do meet up with other monitored people, don't take your phone, and if you do, take the battery out. They can only track you when the cell phone is on.

Finally, if you still haven't had a visit by ASIO and you want one, I'd call up all your friends and talk about all the bombs you're going to make, head off to bunnings and buy as much fertilizer as you possibly can, and call as many chemical companies asking about how you can get your hands on some much needed Uranium. So if you're not being monitored now, its only a matter of time before every conversation you have is recorded.

Fortunately, I'm still waiting for my visit....

For more information on YOUR rights when visited by ASIO:

and above all KNOW YOUR RIGHTS!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Book Review - Alongside Night

Alongside Night is the first novel published by author Joesph Neil Shulman, about the formation of an agorist anarchist society in America during a severe economic crisis. To call this novel simplistic is somewhat understated, but never the less, the novel is suitable for young adults with little to no understanding of anarchism or agorist principles.

The story itself is fast paced, but fails to deliever on important and vital details on social aspects of the society. However, the novel does give a thorough explanation of economic agorism.

The Revolutionary Agorist Cadre is a group of anarcho-capitalists' who have managed to form a society within a society during the demise of the American economy. Possessing gold (or counter-currency) is an offence, (mimicked in real life by the New Hampshire Liberty Dollar), and inflation is so high that parallels can only be drawn to the current economic crisis in Zimbabwe where inflation runs at 100,000% a year. Agorist currency is the gold standard, or European currency unaffected by inflation.

Members of the cadre are required to sign a contract:-

"Arbitration shall enforce the law of the contract to effectuate its purposes, and shall decide the issues by the application of reason to the facts under the guidance of the Law of Equal Liberty (each has the right to do with his/ her own what he/she wishes so long as he/she does not forcibly interfere with the equal right of another)."

The contract called the Submission to Arbitrate enables business between members for the economic benefits of both parties under the proviso that no harm or force must come between them, less they be held accountable by the arbitration committee. This contract is meant to serve as an alternative to mafia tactics (common among underground societies) for those who fail to meet their agreed upon responsibilities. The arbitration committee uses economic sanctions to maintain order within the Agorist Cadre, who retain control of the nation un-surprisingly through the threat of military force, namely nuclear weapons. No doubt exactly what would be required in real life.

However, there are more questions raised than answered in Alongside Night as to how exactly this agorist utopia would function. In terms of economic considerations, the novel is quite explicit, while other more social concerns are ignored. "Laissez-faire" or free market is used in the novel by cadre members as a greeting, and no doubt used as repetitive mind control in the novel, forgetting that the free market is not an end in itself, as not all considerations are economic. Free market demand can include prostitution and narcotics, which when left un-regulated, presume ably is left to the arbitration committee to sort out. But what are the long term impacts of the arbitration committee? Is it the equivalent to legal precedent?
Further, the idea of arbitration is only valid when the committee for arbitration is separated from the cadre to ensure integrity. How in practise would this work, and what procedure is in effect to stop the wealth of the nation becoming concentrated into the hands of a few? What will be used to stop the formation of cartels if the only sanctions are economic, and cartels can afford the inconvenience of fees? We are left to ponder these issues for ourselves.

One of these social examples sees our female hero Lorimer witness an orgy in the cadre complex, which seems to fit in with agorist principle. "Live and Let Live". It reminds me of an article I read from the New Right - The Tyranny of Individualism - where at the Love Parade in San Francisco, men can be seen walking around the streets masturbating. Personally, I can't accept this sexual "free market" proposed by Shulman in Alongside Night, but I respect the position of not forcing my "prudish" manner onto those who would want such a free market. For these reasons, I will accept the economic agorist principle, but for social considerations, I will accept a more national anarchist approach. That is, community members who wish to have a sexual free market with on the street masturbating, will only be able to do so without offending the right of conservative anarchists like myself if they are segregated into their own communities, with trade relationships between them.

All in all the book is worth a read.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Corporate Jamming to pop culture

Corporate jamming is the exact opposite of culture jamming, where the use of sub or underground cultural movements are reinvented for the purposes of corporate propaganda and mass consumerism, thereby co-opting the sub culture to pop culture.

Here's a few examples;

Radio Rentals
"C'mon Australia join the rental revolution!"

Through the overuse of terms which would normally be used by fringe political groups like anarchists and communists, the mainstream population have become complacent and nonchalant with the term "revolution", thereby removing any impact the term would otherwise have on a persons life.

Check out the commercial above, it's an old one, but the concept is still valid. Telstra are one of the best corporate jammers I've seen so far. They take uplifting alternative music (that is, music that is played on triple J), alternative/ abstract art (phones in trees and in the freezer) and play upon cultural stereotypes (get an ice cream on a hot summers day) to "corporate jam". Then there is the message "spread the good stuff", which is really the co-opting of new age spiritualism "share positive energy and affirmation". Subtle and effective.

Three Mobile Phones

"#1 Save on deodorant - apply it while at the supermarket."

Cop-opting anarchist alternative lifestyle- and marketing it to students.

Just Jeans
The latest jeans west ad looks like a music video (not that that's a cultural thing), but it does show the move from corporate "art" to corporate advertising.

update: Modern Roofing ad - the company is selling solar panels to be installed on the roofs of houses. Two black birds are used for back and forth between each other to sell the product (subtle mind control that the company and/or product is environmentally friendly). One of the birds states as a catch phrase at the end
"Power to the people"

Culture jamming or sniggling is a resistance movement to cultural hegemony and the homogenous nature of popular culture, executed by means of public activism or guerrilla communication. It often entails transforming mass media to produce ironic or satirical commentary about itself, using the original medium's communication method. Furthermore, culture jamming is based on the idea that advertising is little more than propaganda for established interests, and that there is a lack of an available means for alternative expression in industrialized nations.

Culture jamming is very much like the stuff the guys got up to in Fight Club, below are some URLS worth checking out for examples.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The Business of Abortion

The abortion industry has been estimated to be worth $450 million to $1 billion annually by the wall street journal.

These figures do no include the financial gain in the trading of aborted biological material. In 1999 evidence came to light that abortionists were selling body parts from aborted babies for use in medical research and transplants.

CNS reports that experiments using human/animal hybrid mice, bred to have no immune systems, and injected with tissue and cells from aborted children, have been paid for with U.S federal funds for more than twenty years.

The National Cancer Institute explains that "immature human" immune tissues and/or immune cells are injected or implanted into these mice that are unable to reject the tissue. But CNS reveals that "immature" is a euphemism for tissue obtained from aborted children or "abortuses".Much of the foetal tissue comes from late-term abortions committed at 17-23 weeks' gestation. CNS quotes one 2005 study, published in the journal Blood said, "Mice were surgically implanted with human bone chips of fetal femur or tibia from 19- to 23-week gestation human abortuses ...."

A search on the term "human abortuses" reveals over 34,000 hits, many of which link to medical research studies showing the use of tissue from either "spontaneous" or "elective" abortions
Dr. Joseph Bryant, director of animal research at the University of Maryland's Institute of Human Virology told CNS the immune deficient mice have "been something of a godsend for modern-day research."

In 2002 it was revealed that major pharmaceutical companies, including Pfizer, Novartis, Schering-Plough, Glaxo SmithKline, Aventis Pasteur and the NIH purchased licensing agreements to a patented designer cell line developed with aborted baby tissue. The same year, it was revealed that in Australia, embryonic stem cells were being grown on "feeder layers" made up of fetal tissue from aborted children.

Fetal-tissue harvesting is a very lucrative industry, and just a small percentage of research could yield huge profits. Billions are involved in fetal-tissue research and harvesting, and the federal government participates in it in a big way. But it's also very shielded, and one has to try to understand the everydayness of it - - the foundational step in the process of abortion and fetal harvesting.

Statistics suggest that 26% of pregnancies are aborted, which accounts for about 46 million abortions (legal and otherwise) annually.


Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Today the nation says we're Sorry

Today we honour the Indigenous peoples of this land, the oldest continuing cultures in human history.

The Australian Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd made an official apology to the Indigenous people of Australia for the forced removal of children from their families, who were removed for no other reason than their genetics - they were half-castes. The policy was one of genocide, forced assimilation, and the destruction of an ancient culture.

We apologise for the laws and policies of successive Parliaments and governments that have inflicted profound grief, suffering and loss on these our fellow Australians.

Kevin Rudd made the apology today on behalf of himself, the Australian Government and the Australian Parliament, unequivocally. His apology was warmly received by the stolen generation and their families and all those effected by the policies of the previous Government.

However, the opposition leader Dr. Brendan Nelson who gave his full and unrelenting support for this new chapter in history made comments which were poorly received, with people booing and turing their backs, perhaps more to do with the timing of the comments rather than the comments themselves.

Whether Australian by birth or immigration, each one of us has a duty to understand and respect what has been done in our name. In most cases, we do with great pride, but in others it is with shame.

Personally, I liked what Brendan Nelson had to say (the comment above is almost exactly the same as what I've said in previous posts) but it was also complementary in its contrast with what the Prime Minister had to say. Kevin Rudd's speech was directed toward the Aboriginal people, an apology - long overdue with no hesitation.

While Brendan Nelsons speech was directed at those Australians who haven’t quite jumped on board the reconciliation bandwagon. I thought it was appropriate for the audience. He was raw, real and gritty. He gave details not just of the injustices of white men to Indigenous people, but also of crimes unpunished by Indigenous against their own.

He described how mothers were thrown out of a police vehicle while their daughters screaming in the back were taken interstate to institutions never to see their families again. Dr Nelson also described how the policy of removing children from abuse was and still is a sound policy. I have to agree, and while as an Anarchist I don't support the Government intervention, I am in mixed minds about the remedy for children suffering physical and sexual abuse. These sorts of abuses are continuing in Aboriginal communities and need rectifying. It's not an easy or comfortable issue; it's gritty and it's real.

Perhaps these abuses continue in Aboriginal communities because of a lack of on our part of wanting to get involved - incase we repeat past mistakes. Perhaps. Perhaps the abuses originated by the Indigenous communities because of the Government interventions, because of a lack of identity and connectedness to who they are, their community and each other.

Ultimately, what Dr Nelson said was true, inappropriate for the situation, as tact and courtesy can certainly go a long way. Comments which would have been better received a few days from now, while celebrations of positive feelings of reconciliation flow from the broader Australian community.

When giving an apology (and in any relationship with friends, family or coworkers), we all know you give it without caveats, else it's not really an apology. But, today was more than an apology, it was about a way forward. In doing so, we need mutual responsibility, and that's what i'm taking from Brenden Nelsons' speech.

All in all I am happy for the Aboriginal and Torres Stait Islander community that finally, they have an aknowledgement of what has happened to them in the past. Ultimately, instead of a compensation fund for individual victims of the stolen generation, I would like to see the Australian Government make resistutions by giving back land to the Aboriginal people. Generally, the Aboriginal community does not understand money - it's not in their culture (except for those who have assimilated). No, the Aboriginal people want and understand land, and it's their land that should be restitution.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Evolutionary theory is racist

I'm not one to often use the "R" bomb, as I personally think it's just a trifle over done, but, surprisingly Christians are starting to come out of the woodwork and recognize the restriction of having a different opinion from the mainstream and the intolerance towards freedom of thought.

From Ray Comfort (who brings us The Way of the Master) comes the following.

From staunch evolution believers, who hold to their faith like a religion, Charles Darwin is exalted by them into papal infallibility. He is robed in pure white as he stands high upon the balcony of time, waving his hand to the faithful. A word from his lips is the gospel truth, and his great commission to true believers is to embark on a crusade, and bring down the swift sword of intolerance upon all who don’t embrace the true faith.

Yet Darwin was nothing but a racist, a bigot of a man, who held to the belief that black people are inferior to whites. This is what he said:

"At some future period not very distant as measured by centuries, the civilized races of man will almost certainly exterminate and replace the savage races throughout the world. At the same time the anthropomorphous apes...will no doubt be exterminated. The break between man and his nearest Allies will then be wider, for it will intervene between man in a more civilized state, as we may hope, even than the Caucasian, and some ape as low as the baboon, instead of as now between the Negro or Australian and the gorilla."

The Descent of Man, "The Races of Man" 1874, p. 178. The above is only one of many racist beliefs of Mr. Darwin. His white robe is hooded and stained with bigotry, and his clan rally to his godless cause with religious zeal. Watch them give a fiery defense of Darwin’s blatant racism.

So there you have it, evolution is based upon racist ideology, but more importantly I believe it continues to support racist ideology, that Negros are somehow lesser evolved than Caucasians. I feel it's important to state that when we talk about bell curves and the studies done by the Nobel laureate Prof James Watson, I agree with the basis that on average Negros are far more athletic, but may be less academically inclined than Caucasians, and Asians being better academically inclined than Caucasians. However, on an individual basis these rules do not apply, and we have to understand these empirical observations stand only when comparing two people of different races with all other factors the same, i.e. gender, age, height, weight etc. I know this is going to open a huge can of worms, but these observations can indicate using evolutionary theory that some of the races may have evolved at different rates to others, and hence racial epithets like "monkey" rear their ugly heads. So, if you don't want to think of any race or group of humans as being lesser evolved than another, I'd suggest giving up the evolutionary spin and thinking more along the lines that humans were created separate from apes, in their own right, and in the image of a higher being, and while we may not all be exactly the same in every ability, we are all different, but still equal.

In saying no to Racism, think again about Evolution.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Faery Tales are offensive

Well it seems the ministry of truth strikes again.... only this time striking a blow for the fine arts.Apparently, the story of the three little pigs is offensive to Muslims. Yikes! Do we think so little of immigrants and Muslims in particular that they find our culture (western nations) so offensive? If so, why would they come here? For good measure builders could be insulted by the book too - but then I haven't personally met a builder I could offend. As Lleyton Hewitt would say C'mon! and as Dr Phil would say "Get real!"

A children's book based on the classic tale of the Three Little Pigs has been rejected for a UK award amid fears it could offend Muslims. Judges for the Bett Awards criticised the animated virtual book, The Three Little Cowboy Builders, saying its use of pigs as the main characters raised "cultural issues". They also believed the book could offend builders.

"Is it true that all builders are cowboys, builders get their work blown down, and builders are like pigs," the judges wrote.

"The idea of taking a traditional tale and retelling a story is fine, but it should not alienate parts of the workforce. "Judges would not recommend this product to the Muslim community in particular."Ann Curtis, whose company Shoo Fly Publishing produced the book, branded the judges' criticisms unjustified."I felt disbelief, to be honest," she told The Times newspaper.
"As a small company we have a strong ethical and moral grounding."To be told that we cynically set out to alienate minority groups is a very narrow-minded view."


I think the only thing offensive here is that builders in general have been called pigs. (regardless of race, gender or class). Good one! Let me try - The police are pigs.... and for cultural sensitivity we should get rid of them in case they offend muslims too. (No really, lets get rid of the police state!)

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

TV will kill you

Remember as a kid how your mum used to tell you that sitting too close to the TV would cause your eyes to turn square? Well, I'm here to tell you that too much tv can kill you (or at least the person next to you).

A male resident of Chelyabinsk, a city in Russia’s Ural region, brutally murdered a three-year-old boy, who did not let him watch TV. The enraged man stabbed the child about 30 times.

Case papers on the brutal murder of the child have already been sent to the Chelyabinsk District Court, press centre of the regional public prosecutor's office says.

The man killed the child just because the boy disturbed him when he was watching TV. The murderer inflicted 27 knife wounds on the boy’s chest and neck. At the moment of murder the accused was under the influence.

It is noteworthy that a similar murder of a child already took place in the Chelyabinsk region three months ago. The man killed the three-year-old son of his mistress. The child was crying too loudly, and the stepfather strangled him. Afterwards it was discovered that the child was a handicapped individual from birth and suffered from deafness, heart disease and infantile cerebral paralysis.

Another similar incident occurred in the Moscow region in September. A mother slaughtered her three-year-old son because he bothered her while she was resting. in Pushkino, Moscow region.

It should be noted that television often becomes an apple of discord that leads to a lethal outcome. About a month ago a woman slaughtered her husband after the latter ‘confiscated’ the remote control.

Even children sometimes do not yield to adults in this respect. A twelve-year-old boy knifed his elder brother while fighting for TV in the USA in November 2007.

In Russia’s Karelia a grandchild killed his own granny for the same reason. The teenager and the elderly lady could not come to a unanimous decision which TV program to watch. The infuriated grandchild attacked his grandmother with a knife. The woman died soon after the fight.

I suppose that one TV free night a week isn't looking so bad now after all?

from Pravda -